How to care for your orchids and grow colorful flower blooms

How to care for your orchids and grow colorful flower blooms
Orchid blooms commonly last two to four months. Leslie Banks / EyeEm/Getty Images
  • Potted orchids grow best in a bark mix called media.
  • Water orchids once a week, allowing the roots to drain fully to prevent root rot.

Orchids (Orchidaceae) are beloved for their intricate patterns, vibrant colors, and distinguished shape of their flowers. But most cultured orchids are either epiphytes or lithophytes, meaning they grow in tree bark or rocks, rather than in soil, which makes their care a little less straightforward than most other houseplants.

While there are more than 25,000 different species, you'll find a few common orchid types regularly at your local grocery store or nursery.

Because of their delicate nature, most orchids do not have a one-size-fits-all care routine, the orchid expert and author Mary Gerritsen said. She has co-authored several books on orchids, including "Masdevallias: Gems of the Orchid World" and "A Bay Area Guide to Orchids and their Culture." Gerritsen gave her tips below for caring for the most common orchids.

At a glance

  • Botanical name: Orchidaceae
  • Commonly known as: Orchid
  • Hardiness zone: Varies by species
  • Toxic to pets: No
  • Watering frequency: Once a week
  • Soil type: Orchid potting mix, aka media
  • Light exposure: Indirect

Common orchid varieties

How to care for your orchids and grow colorful flower blooms
From left to right: Phalaenopsis, Oncidiums, and Cattleyas orchids. Michel Viard; Cyb3rking; Thaijumroenrun/Getty Images

"The most common orchid types you can find at almost any big box store, supermarket, or florist are Phalaenopsis, also known as moth orchids; Oncidiums, sometimes called dancing ladies; and Cattleyas," Gerritsen said.


These three varieties share similar growing requirements and can be easily identified.

  • Phalaenopsis are the most popular and have "large, wide leaves that grow upward from a single source with leaves alternating from side to side," Gerritsen said.
  • Oncidiums can come in different sizes but are usually identified by their bunches of fluttering blooms. "Most Oncidiums have flowers that are a mix of yellowish and brown coloration, although there are some hybrids with other colors such as red and purple," Gerritsen said.
  • Cattleyas are known for their ruffled edges, fragrance, and contrasting color in the center. "They come in almost every color imaginable, with some in light shades of blue," Gerritsen said. "Cattleyas are also very popular for corsages and are known as the classic orchid."


How to care for your orchids and grow colorful flower blooms
Orchid roots should not be submerged in water. Olga Zhogina/Getty Images

Water weekly. The most common orchids (Phalaenopsis, Oncidiums, and Cattleyas) typically need to be watered about once a week.

Simulate rainfall. In the wild, orchid roots often grow atop tree branches or rocks, leaving their roots exposed to absorb rainfall. The best way to water them is to mimic that. "Take your orchids over to the kitchen sink and give them a thorough watering with room-temperature water," Gerritsen said.

Let it drain. "Let lots of water run through the pot and drain out the bottom. Never leave your orchid pot sitting in water," Gerritsen said.


If your orchid is in a cool, shady spot in your home or office, it can be watered less often. Orchid roots require drying out between waterings and should not stay moist or wet.

A common tip suggests using ice cubes to water your orchid, but Gerristen recommends strongly against this. "Orchids do not grow anywhere near ice cubes," she said. "The best way to succeed with growing orchids, like any other plant, is to understand how they grow in nature and to try to reproduce those conditions in your growing space."

Orchids need large quantities of water at a time similar to what they would experience during a heavy rainstorm, not just the dribble that slowly melting ice cubes provide. "After watering, however, it is important that the roots dry out," Gerritsen said. "Continuously wet roots will lead to root rot and plant death."

Quick tip: Softened water is not recommended for orchids because of its high concentrations of sodium, which can damage the plant. Gerritsen recommended investing in a water-purification system or using bottled spring water or rainwater. To find water hardness in a specific area, you can check a hard-water map.

Potting and fertilizer

How to care for your orchids and grow colorful flower blooms
Repotting orchids annually helps prevent root rot. Maryviolet/Getty Images

Don't use soil. Because common orchids naturally grow on branches, trunks, or rocks in the wild, putting orchids in soil can suffocate their roots and rapidly kill them. Instead, Gerritsen recommends an orchid potting mix, known as media, that consists of two parts fir bark or pine bark, half a part charcoal chunks, and half a part large perlite.

Repot annually. Orchids should be repotted about once per year, and in general, the best time to do so is when your orchid is putting out new roots, which typically happens in the spring. Avoid repotting an orchid that is currently blooming.

"I would suggest watching a couple of YouTube tutorials on repotting your orchid so you get it exactly right," Gerritsen said. "When you repot, do not put your orchid into a much larger pot since they prefer to be crowded at the roots. Also, choose pots that have large holes at the bottom so water will drain quickly."

Fertilize sparingly. While orchids do require some fertilizer, they don't need much. Like houseplants, you can fertilize orchids with every other watering during the spring and summer.

"A simple fertilizer like the type you use for houseplants will work. However, if the directions say use one teaspoon per gallon, use a half teaspoon instead," Gerritsen said.


Temperature and light

Temperature and light requirements for orchids vary depending on the species, but Phalaenopsis, Oncidiums, and Cattleyas share similar requirements and can thrive under the right conditions.

Indirect light is best. "Of these three 'common orchids,' most will do well under houseplant-like conditions. Ideally, a southern- or eastern-facing window is best and never in direct sunlight as it can scorch the leaves," Gerritsen said.

Quick tip: You can tell your orchid is getting enough light if its foliage is a bright, grassy green. Darker foliage indicates that your plant needs more light.

Humidity is key. To maintain higher humidity, especially for Phalaenopsis which prefers a more humid environment, set your potted orchid on a tray of pebbles and water. Because the pot, and not the orchid roots, will sit on the wet pebbles, the slowly evaporating water will add humidity to your orchid's environment.

Temperature dictates blooming. Gerritsen said that an environment that gets up to 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit in the day and 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit at night is optimal for orchids.


Quick tip: Airflow is essential to an orchid's health, as it encourages strong root growth, prevents heat buildup, and mimics the breeze of their natural environment. Gerritsen recommends an oscillating fan on a low setting as an easy solution.

Common orchid problems

Don't overwater. As is the problem for several houseplants, orchids typically suffer from being overwatered. Gerritsen also stressed the importance of letting the potting media dry out in between waterings to prevent sogginess.

Prevent root rot. The next most common struggle is neglecting to repot orchids. "Once the media starts to break down, it stays wet, the roots rot, and the orchid dies. Repotting once every year or two will prevent this from happening," Gerritsen said.

Look out for pests and diseases. As for pests, scale insects and mealybugs are an orchid's most common pests when grown indoors. Gerritsen suggested inspecting your orchid weekly, and if you should come across these pests, take a cotton swab soaked in rubbing alcohol and gently clean them from the leaves or stem. Store-bought insecticidal soap can also offer an easy fix.

How to get an orchid to bloom again

How to care for your orchids and grow colorful flower blooms
Maintain the proper temperature to encourage orchid blooming. Image Source/Getty Images

Although most orchids bloom once per year, some hybrids can bloom several times a year. Phalaenopsis blooms should last anywhere from two to four months, while the blooms of Oncidiums and Cattleyas will last two to three weeks.

Flowers will simply wither and fall off when they've completed their blooming cycle. Other less common orchids bloom year-round.

To get your common orchid to rebloom, Gerritsen said to diligently follow the steps for watering, fertilizing, repotting, and keeping it in the right temperature and light.

Insufficient light and improper temperature can prevent your orchid from blooming. "To initiate blooming, most orchids need a 10-degree (or more) drop in temperature at night and should not be sitting over any heat source," Gerritsen said.

You can trim your orchid's spike to encourage more blooms. Most Phalaenopsis orchids will rebloom from the same spike or stem, and some people may choose not to prune their plants at all. But it can be beneficial to trim off any brown or wilted spikes about one inch from where it's attached to the base of the plant.


After old blooms fall off, you can also trim the flower spike about one-half inch above the next node, or triangular-shaped area where new buds will form. Be sure to disinfect your blade first, as it can spread disease to your orchid."With these care instructions, you should be rewarded with orchids that bloom every year," Gerritsen said.

Insider's takeaway

Orchids might be intimidating, not just for their specific maintenance requirements but also for their striking beauty. With the right amount of water, potting media, bright indirect light, and a bit of humidity, your orchid can both thrive and keep blooming for years to come.

To immerse yourself further in the world of orchids, Gerritsen offers simple advice.

"Join a local orchid society and learn more about growing orchids from the experts. There are orchid societies in nearly every large town or city in the country that may include monthly meetings, plant and supplies for sale, skill workshops, and even greenhouse tours," Gerritsen said.
