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Yes, you can paint vinyl siding. Here's what you need to know before you do.

Oct 12, 2021, 04:28 IST
Choose your color carefully when painting vinyl siding. Image by Marie LaFauci/Getty Images
  • Vinyl siding can be painted if it's in good shape, but older or damaged siding should be replaced.
  • Only paint vinyl siding a similar or lighter color as darker colors can cause overheating.
  • Vinyl-safe exterior paint produces the best results.

Vinyl siding is a popular choice to use on the home's exterior. Unlike brick, It's inexpensive. And like brick, it's long-lasting and practically maintenance-free. Vinyl siding is often touted as a product that doesn't necessarily need painting - which consumers mistake to mean that it can't be painted.

But this is a myth. "By painting vinyl siding, homeowners can further customize the look of the exterior of their homes, enhancing curb appeal to reflect the homeowner's personal style and design preferences," says John Salvadore, director of portfolio management at PPG.

However, according to Bobby Mikula, senior product manager at Valspar, you should only repaint vinyl siding with a color that is similar to or lighter than the original color. "This will help you avoid the excess heat absorption that can cause buckling or warping," he says.

Pros and cons of painting vinyl siding

Hiring professional painters can still be cheaper than replacing siding. ftwitty/Getty Images

Before you pick up a paintbrush (or your checkbook to hire a painter), weigh the pros and cons of painting your vinyl siding.


Pro: Saves money. "Painting your vinyl siding can save you money - by doing it yourself, the cost is usually cheaper than if you were to hire a professional," Mikula says. Even if you do hire pros, painting vinyl siding is, in most cases, more affordable than replacing it.

Pro: Improves the home's appearance. "A new coat of paint can help to hide any imperfections on vinyl siding panels," Mikula says. In addition to giving the home a fresh, new look, he says it could also transform the home's overall look depending on the color.

Pro: Makes the home's exterior more durable. If you use the right product and follow the application steps, Salvadore says the paint can make the vinyl siding more durable. "It provides additional protection from the elements and could extend the vinyl siding's overall life," he says.

Pro: Increases home's value. "In some cases, adding a simple coat of paint to the exterior of your home may help increase the property value," Mikula says. That's because dingy, peeling, or faded paint is a turnoff to buyers.

Con: Effects are limited. Even though you can use paint to extend the life of the vinyl siding, Mikula says it won't be as long-lasting as new siding. "And if there is already extensive wear and tear on the vinyl siding, simply painting won't totally mask severe damage to siding," he says.


Con: Could void your warranty. If your vinyl siding is still under warranty, Mikula warns that painting could nullify it. He recommends checking the terms and conditions of your warranty before you start painting.

Con: Could damage your siding. In case you were wondering how merely painting your siding could void your warranty, here's why: "If the project isn't done correctly, it can lead to such problems as fading, peeling, flaking, and warping," Salvadore warns.

Con: The wrong color could be disastrous. If you choose the wrong color, UV absorption could cause the siding to warp. "This is especially true for bright blue, yellow, and red, as well as for very dark colors because they absorb more sunlight," Salvadore says. "The best way to prevent warping of vinyl siding is to paint with a shade lighter than the original manufacturer's coating."

Quick tip: Vinyl siding can last for decades, but if it is damaged or looks worn - as evidenced by cracking, splitting, warping, or buckling - you might be better off replacing it. Paint might improve the appearance, but it won't repair underlying damage.

What type of paint should I use?

You can't use just any type of paint for vinyl siding. "The wrong paint formulation could leave your vinyl siding looking streaky and cause it to flake or peel, so selecting an exterior paint that is designed for vinyl siding is important," says Salvadore.


One option is PPG Acri-Shield Max Exterior Latex Paint, which can be bought at a local PPG store, Home Depot, or from a paint supply store. Another option is Valspar Duramax Exterior Paint + Primer, which can be found at Lowe's, or other big-box and paint supply stores. Both options provide weather protection, and resist mold and mildew, fading, and cracking,

Quick-tip: Our Insider Reviews team recommends the best exterior paints. The top pick is the Behr Premium Plus Ultra Exterior Paint and Primer in One.

Premium Plus Ultra Exterior Paint and Primer in One (small)

How to paint vinyl siding

Depending on your skill level, you may decide to paint your vinyl siding yourself. If so, these are the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Clean the surface. Mikula recommends using a power washer on a low setting or cleaning the vinyl siding with a garden hose spray and light detergent. "Make sure the siding is completely dry before going to the next step," he says.
  2. Tape off any areas that you don't want painted. This includes windows and doorways. "Then, caulk around any doors, windows, and other openings, to fill in any holes," Mikula says.
  3. Apply primer. This will depend on the type of product you use. Some paints include primer and paint in a single can. Other paints require separate applications for primer and paint. (The primer is the undercoat, which helps the paint to adhere to the vinyl siding and last longer.)
  4. Apply the paint. "Generally, two coats are recommended to achieve the correct color and to help ensure the longevity of the paint," Mikula says. He advises allowing the first coat to dry before painting the second coat. "Depending on temperature and humidity levels, dry time is usually between four to six hours."

Insider's takeaway

If your vinyl siding is in good shape, painting it can refresh your home and may increase your home's value. However, your color choice is important, since the wrong color could cause the siding to warp when exposed to the sun's UV rays. Always clean your surface before painting, mask off the appropriate areas, and then apply two coats of paint, allowing the first coat to dry before applying the second.

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