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It's Halfway Through 'Movember,' And Business Insider's Readers And Staff Are Looking Pretty Scruffy [PHOTOS]

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It's Halfway Through 'Movember,' And Business Insider's Readers And Staff Are Looking Pretty Scruffy [PHOTOS]
Strategy1 min read

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Business Insider

It's November, which means several of your colleagues have been sporting ... well, interesting-looking facial hair over the past couple of weeks.

No, they didn't forget to shave. They're growing mustaches in support of Movember, the global movement that raises awareness of men's health issues, including prostate and testicular cancer.

We asked Business Insider readers, friends, and staff participating in Movember to share their stories and, most importantly, pictures of their mustaches from last year. Take a look at these mustachioed gents (and one woman) and find out why growing a 'stache this year really matters to them.

If you're participating right now and want to be in the slideshow, it's not too late. Email with your name, picture, where you live, and why you're doing Movember. Include a link to your Movember fundraising page if you have one.


