Economic Times spoke to some top professionals from these organization to know about the system and the reasons why they doing away with it and here is what they had to share.
The relative grading system in engineering schools is based on the principle that the marks scored by the students in any test will follow a bell curve. The mean score may be high or low depending on the difficulty of the test, but there will be a standard deviation, with a small cluster of students with scores markedly higher than the mean and a cluster far lower than the mean.
It's a system that works well in exams, which are individual focused, but it has its limitations in an organisational setting, where teamwork is involved. "Today, a person is appraised not just on individual impact, but on teamwork," says Pramanik. "To succeed, you have to be smart, you have to be collaborative and you have to develop yourself based on feedback."
The main feature of Microsoft's new system is the stress it lays on continuous feedback. The appraiser and appraisee are required to do at least four "connects" every year, where the discussion is around what was achieved in the past quarter, what is planned in the next quarter and what could have been done better. "The discussion is both on what has been achieved as well as how it has been achieved," says
Before Microsoft, Thakur spent 12 years with
At Microsoft, salary hikes are now left to team managers, who must take a call on how to distribute the sum budgeted to them. A manager can divide this equally amongst his team, but most would recognize this to be a recipe for disaster in the long run. The managers know they need to differentiate and ensure higher rewards to those who have greater impact. Else they will be left with a low performing team.
Rohit Thakur Hr Head, Microsoft India
Compare this to the earlier process described in Microsoft's Lost Decade, where managers would gather in one room during appraisal time to haggle over where their people should be put in the department's bell curve. Microsoft engineers who were clued in understood it was not just enough to impress their own boss, but bosses of other teams as well, which meant making time to "schmooze as many managers as possible."
Another large organisation to recently axe the bell curve is Cisco, which announced the decision in November 2014. Since then, Seema Nair, Director of HR, has been busy training the 900 managers who appraise
Nair's biggest challenge is to get the quarterly 'sync up' conversations between appraisers and appraisees running smoothly (similar to Microsoft's 'Connect'). The bell curve system also mandated open conversations, but they never actually happened. "In a ranking system, employees would just be interested in knowing their rank. They would tune out to the rest," says Nair.
This disinterest in feedback has always been a characteristic of the Indian workplace and bell curve appraisals have failed to address the problem. The new appraisal systems being implemented by Microsoft and Cisco are taking the issue of feedback head on.
"Indian managers are hesitant to give feedback to their employees because they're afraid of confrontation," says Mohinish Sinha, head of leadership and talent practice at Hay Group. "While appraising their people, managers tend to focus on results rather than how the results were achieved. So you end up celebrating bad behaviour." The Hay Group has been advising several clients interested in moving away from bell curve appraisals, but none of them have yet taken the plunge. "They're flirting with the idea but they're afraid of where it will take them. It's basically a change management issue. We tell them to take courage," says Sinha.
(Image: Reuters)