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Lego created super-padded slippers to prevent brick-induced injuries

Nov 18, 2015, 00:30 IST

Frédérique Voisin-Demery/Flickr

The pain rushes in fast, sharp.

Lifting your foot you see a tiny red brick stuck to the bottom: a present from Satan himself.

Suffer no more, now that Lego has unveiled the newest accessory in its popular line of buildable bricks and minifig characters: Lego slippers that have extra padding to protect feet from tiny bricks. 

The sad news: Only 1,500 will be made, and they aren't for sale.

Instead, Lego will be giving away the pain-preventing slippers (while supplies last) to people who make a Christmas wish list on the Lego France website.


While kids may beam with joy to unwrap 3,000 new pieces for their mega-spaceship, parents can rest easy their soft soles aren't in any danger.

If you miss out on the opportunity, don't fret. There are still plenty of other slippers that will protect your feet just as well. 

Whatever you do, don't blame Lego. Their products are just starting to inspire a new generation of women in science, technology, engineering, and math.


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