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Look who has broken all records and is the biggest gainer from Delhi’s odd-even rule

Look who has broken all records and is the biggest gainer from Delhi’s odd-even rule
Transportation1 min read
The Odd-Even Part II is reaping benefits for Indraprastha Gas Ltd (IGL) as it clocked the highest CNG sale of 26.7 lakh kg a day this week.
This means more vehicles are gearing to CNG as CNG-fitted vehicles are exempted from the odd-even rule.

The demand is so high that IGL is setting up one CNG dispensing station every two days, creating a world record.

"We had an average compressed natural gas (CNG) sale of 23.5-24 lakh kg per day in 2015-16. On Monday, which was the first full working day of the odd-even restricted plying rule, we saw sale volumes jump to 26.7 lakh," said IGL Managing Director Narendra Kumar.

"This is the highest ever sale we have ever achieved," he said. "In 2015-16 we had a growth of 3-4 per cent in CNG consumption. This year (April 2016 to March 2017), we expect a growth rate of 8-10 per cent."

Previously peak sale volume was 26.4 lakh kg per day.

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Delhi has the highest number of CNG stations in the world and no city has ever expanded its network by more than 30 stations in a year.

IGL, the sole supplier of CNG to automobiles and piped cooking gas to households in the national capital region, is the country's largest CNG retailer.

"What is working in favour of CNG is also price cuts following global slump in energy prices. Rates were last cut by Rs 0.60 per kg and to Rs 36.60 per kg in Delhi on April 1," he said.

(Image: Indiatimes)


