Low on followers? Grow your influence as an entrepreneur. Master these 5 hacks

Low on followers? Grow your influence as an entrepreneur.
Master these 5 hacksInfluence resembles magic- - it even moves money. As an entrepreneur, there have been a lot of times when you don't have enough money to get something going, but then you could exercise influence and move the outcome in your direction.

No one is born with influence. You can grow it like you grow other skills. Is there an easy method to grow your influence? Or a growth hack? Just follow these steps and watch yourself become a local celebrity

Good Listener

Most people see great speakers as influential people. But that is just the end result, as influential people must first be good listeners. Listening carefully to people leaves the power in your hand, you can negotiate, persuade and influence people very easily.

Your battles


Choose your own battles carefully. If you’re the cribbing about a situation again and again (without a genuine reason or even with a good reason), people tend to ignore. If you’re fighting only for yourself, you’ll be ignored by people. So, what should you fight for? Take your reason and merge it in the common problem. Tadaa...!


Having the capacity to recognize, understand, and partake in the emotions and encounters of someone else gives you the capacity to identify with people on their level. You become all the more caring individual who is in tune with the feelings and attitudes of the people encompassing you.

Appreciate people

Instead for keeping a negative view on everything (stop being a nihilist), try and keep your mind open—even if you don’t agree. Appreciate others for their work, if not for them, then your own future.

The basic formula (for entrepreneurs)

Learn this now and always keep it in your mind.


You take care of the employees and let them take care of the customers. If you let employees be and concentrate on the customers, Sir you’ve already lost it. Employees make a company, customers are secondary. If you’re following that, your employees remain happy and motivated; they talk outside the company about the culture. And now you’ve won genuine customers and a strong hold on every customer and employee.