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Nov 3, 2016, 15:48 IST

Gina Miller / Linkedin

The High Court has ruled that Prime Minister Theresa May MUST get parliamentary approval before invoking Article 50.


Shortly after 10:00 a.m. (GMT), three of the country's most senior judges, including Lord Chief Justice John Thomas, ruled that May is legally required to to pass an act of parliament before initiating Britain's formal withdrawal from the European Union.

A spokesperson for the government confirmed that it will be appealing the decision, according to Sky News, which means the case will be transferred to the Supreme Court later this year.

The landmark ruling comes two weeks after the London court spent three days hearing arguments from barristers representing multiple claimants and government lawyers, including Attorney General Jeremy Wright.

The government had argued that it can use royal prerogative to invoke Article 50, an archaic privilege which allows UK government to take an action without first referring to parliament.


May intends to trigger Article 50 no later than March next year, but this deadline could prove difficult to meet if either of the legislative houses delay the process. Sam Coates, Deputy Political Editor at The Times, reports that some MPs and Lords will refuse to support the act of parliament if the government doesn't disclose the details of its Brexit negotiating position.

This is a developing story...

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