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Mitch McConnell says he's 'comfortable' with with the deal on gun legislation struck by senators Murphy and Cornyn and may even vote for it

Jun 15, 2022, 01:40 IST
Business Insider
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell stands behind Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer at a ceremony at the Capitol on June 8, 2022.Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call via Getty Images
  • Mitch McConnell signaled that he's likely to support a new Senate proposal to curb gun violence.
  • It would be the first major gun legislation taken up by Congress in decades.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell offered his public blessing to a nascent framework on new gun safety legislation struck by senators over the weekend.

"For myself, I'm comfortable with the framework, and if the legislation ends up reflecting what the framework indicates, I'll be supportive," McConnell told reporters at his weekly press conference on Tuesday.

Taking questions from reporters, he also noted that Sen. John Cornyn of Texas — the main Republican involved in the negotiations — had shown GOP lawmakers a poll during their Tuesday caucus lunch indicating that gun owners are supportive.

"Support for the provisions of the framework is off the charts. Overwhelming," McConnell said.

"I think if this framework becomes the actual piece of legislation, it's a step forward," he said, adding that the framework "further demonstrates to the American people that we can come together, which we have done from time to time on things like infrastructure and postal reform, to make progress for country."

The proposal, first announced on Sunday, includes providing resources to state and tribes to allow them to enact so-called "red flag" laws, expanding support for community behavioral health centers, closing the "boyfriend loophole" by keeping guns from unmarried people found guilty of violence against a partner, and funding for school security.


Cornyn and Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut led the negotiations among senators alongside Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema and Republican Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina.

"There's no doubt that our framework is a breakthrough," Murphy told reporters at Senate Democrats' weekly press conference on Tuesday. "The bill in and of itself is going to save thousands of lives."

Crucially, Senate negotiators secured the support of ten Republican senators, enough to overcome a potential filibuster and reach 60 votes.

Those Republican senators include:

  • John Cornyn of Texas
  • Thom Tillis of North Carolina
  • Richard Burr of North Carolina
  • Mitt Romney of Utah
  • Bill Cassidy of Louisiana
  • Susan Collins of Maine
  • Roy Blunt of Missouri
  • Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
  • Rob Portman of Ohio
  • Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania

Senate negotiators have not yet introduced text for the legislation, but Cornyn told Fox News on Tuesday that he hopes to get it done "this week" in time for a vote next week.

The deal does not go as far as Democrats would like; perhaps most significantly, it does not involve an assault weapons ban or raising the minimum to 21 for purchasing an assault rifle.


But the Democratic-controlled House could still approve the measure. Asked by Insider on Tuesday whether he believed his caucus would support the bill, House Democratic Caucus Chair Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York offered praise for the framework.

Citing gun violence prevention advocacy groups and families affected by gun violence, he said the package was a "strong, meaningful, positive step in the right direction" and said that the "overwhelming majority of House Democrats share that view as well."

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