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Trump's top aides are 'avoiding' his legal team to distance themselves from his attempt to subvert the election results, report says

Nov 20, 2020, 21:00 IST
Business Insider
Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump in November 2016.Drew Angerer/Getty Images
  • Most of President Donald Trump's closest advisors are avoiding his lawyers and trying to distance themselves from his election results lawsuits, Axios reported.
  • Rudy Giuliani, Trump's personal attorney, is spearheading the Trump campaign's legal efforts and has been repeating Trump's baseless conspiracies about voter fraud.
  • According to Axios, Trump campaign aides have also deliberately excluded Giuliani from their daily conference call.
  • Axios did not name the advisors who are doubting Trump's legal claims, aside from Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, and multiple other reports have said aides have questioned the strategy.

Most of President Donald Trump's closest advisors are "avoiding his lawyers" as they try to distance themselves from his legal challenges to the presidential election results, Axios reported.

Those advisors are only pretending to support the idea that Trump has a chance to overturn his presidential election loss because they are still employed to work for Trump, according to Axios.

But they are privately saying that Trump's legal strategy, spearheaded by his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, doesn't have a chance, the report said.

Axios also reported some officials saying that they struggle to talk to Trump about policies without the president's bringing up conspiracies about voting machines.

The report does not name specific advisors, but said that people who have spoken with Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner — Trump's daughter and son-in-law, who both work as senior White House advisors — said they think Trump's legal strategy can't have the results he wants.


Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka.Photo by Sarah Silbiger/Getty Images

CNN previously reported that both Ivanka Trump and Kushner had supported the idea of Trump conceding the election, while Trump's two adult sons were encouraging him to continue his legal fight.

Axios also reported that Giuliani and Sidney Powell, another Trump campaign attorney, were excluded from a daily Trump campaign conference call that includes people like the campaign director and other Trump campaign lawyers.

Giuliani is spearheading the Trump campaign's election results legal strategy. Many other members of Trump's legal team quit in recent days.

Two weeks after Insider and other news outlets projected Joe Biden to win the 2020 election, Trump has still refused to concede, and has instead spread baseless theories of widespread voter fraud and launched legal challenges to the results in battleground states.

But Trump has not won any of those battles so far: Of the 21 his team have filed, it has won zero, and withdrawn or lost 15, and six are still pending.


Election officials in multiple states have said that there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud. Trump started casting doubt on mail-in ballots — which experts have long said is a safe way to vote — months before Election Day.

Read more: 'No one can talk about it': Federal officials are fuming as transition books are gathering dust on their desks and their Trump-appointed bosses won't acknowledge Biden's win

Multiple reports say that Trump is aware that he has lost the election, but wants to continue casting doubt on the results either to get revenge on Democrats for questioning his 2016 victory or to keep his supporter base engaged so he can run again in 2024.

Rudy Giuliani giving a press conference on November 19, 2020.Getty

Giuliani's strategy has involved repeating conspiracies about voting and the vote counting process.

He gave a bizarre press conference on Thursday where he quoted the film "My Cousin Vinny" to support his claims about the election. While he did this, black liquid that appeared to be hair dye was also running down his face.


New York Times White House correspondent Maggie Haberman tweeted on Thursday that some Trump advisors privately said Giuliani's press conference was "dangerous." She added: "They're waiting for the president to recognize that but he is not so far."

Politico previously reported that Trump's senior campaign aides have been frustrated with Giuliani's approach, and that his strategy has made it harder to get other lawyers on board.

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