Now ditch those sleeping pills and sleep well with these yogasanas


Viparita Karani

Viparita Karani

§  The legs-up-the-wall pose is the one that’ll calm down your anxiety (if you are under its influence), relieve mild backache, regulate your blood flow, and improve digestion. So, it actually performs every task that your body demands for a sound sleep. All you need is a high pillow/blanket to comfort your back and a cushion to keep under your head. Here is how you should go for it-


1.      Keep the pillow 5 inches away from the wall and the cushion according to distance that it comes under your head after you lie down.

2.      Sit on your yoga mat, next to the pillow in sukhasana or easy pose and adjust the distance of props.

3.      Now put your feet on the pillow and lie down. Adjust your hips on the pillow, till then keep your knees bend.

4.      Once you settle down, stretch your legs upward and rest them against the wall.

5.      Keep your arms on the side of your body and relax till you are comfortable. We suggest you to maintain the pose for 5-10 minutes.

6.      Now first bring your legs down gradually and then shift your body to one side. After that you can get up. 

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Baddha Konasana

Baddha Konasana

§  The asana stimulates abdominal organs, stretches the inner thighs, groins, and knees which will help you get a relaxing sleep. Here’s how to do this pose-


1.      Sit flat on the floor with your legs stretched out.

2.      Now bend your knees (one by one) sideways and try to bring your feet closer to your pelvis with soles of feet touching each other.

3.      Hold the big toes of each foot using your index, middle finger and thumb.

4.      Now try to stretch your thighs and drop your knees towards the floor.

5.      DO NOT overdo it as you might hurt your thigh or groins or end up with extreme pain. Do it until you can easily maintain and after that gradually come back to the normal pose. 

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§  Also known as the cat pose, Marjariasana is highly recommended for backache patients. Anyone who misses out on sleep because of back related problems should do this. The pose messages your spine and makes it flexible. Below are the very easy steps for you.


1.      Kneel down on the floor, lean forward putting your palms on the floor pointing forward.

2.      Keep your legs slightly apart and palms at shoulder length.

3.      Let your spine be parallel to the ground with thighs vertical and straight and the lower leg and feet flat on the floor.

4.      Now exhale completely and bring your belly inwards moving your head inwards between your shoulders. While doing this your back will bend and arch upwards.

5.      Now inhale and arch your back in the opposite direction. The spine will bend slightly downwards. The head, neck and shoulders should be arched backwards, as if you are looking up.

6.      Repeat this process, as many times as you are comfortable. Do this asana with slow and deep breathing and feel the stretch it gives to your back, neck and shoulders. 

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Parivrtta Sukhasana

Parivrtta Sukhasana

§  Parivrtta Sukhasana or Easy pose bend is one of the most comforting yet effective poses in the series. The pose stretches your hips, knees, and ankles, increases flexibility throughout the spine, shoulders, and chest and also helps you reduce stress and anxiety.


1.      Sit in the easy pose or sukhasana with your spine straight and palms resting on the knees.

2.      Evenly balance your body weight on the hip bone.

3.      Now place the right hand behind you and left hand on the right knee. Bend towards right and try to look behind you with your spine remaining straight.

4.      Maintain the position for a few seconds and repeat the same with left hand. 

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§  The asana stretches the hips, relieves anxiety and also calms the mind.


1.      Lie on your back with your knees bent and sole of the feet on the floor.

2.      Hold your left knee close to your chest using both your hand with interlocked fingers.

3.      Bring the left ankle up and rest it on the right thigh. 

4.      Let the left knee relax away from your torso.

5.      Now lift the left foot off the floor and close to your chest while inhaling and while exhaling, bring it back. This will cause your left hip to open.

6.      Practice 5-10 cycles from one foot and repeat the same with right foot. 

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