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Soccer Fan Runs Onto The Field And Takes Free Kick

Paul Szoldra   

Soccer Fan Runs Onto The Field And Takes Free Kick
Sports1 min read

There have been plenty of instances of sports fans getting onto the field and being chased by security, but a man rushing the field during an English Premier League soccer match managed to actually get into the action.

During the second half of a Saturday game between West Ham and Tottenham as players were getting set for a free kick, the man headed out to do the kick himself. Surprisingly, he made it over the line of blocking players and was on target for a goal, although the keeper caught the ball.

As Fansided notes, he did this all mid-stride and continued on his way, with a security guard chasing in tow. He even raised his hands triumphantly as if he had made it.

Tottenham's Christian Eriksen didn't fare any better, and missed the free kick. Tottenham won the game 1-0.

Here's the video:


