BJP lawmaker Gyandev Ahuja, during a protest in Alwar over the JNU row, said, “In JNU daily you find 3,000 beer cans and bottles, 2,000 Indian liquor bottles, 10,000 cigarette butts, 4,000 beedis, 50,000 bone pieces, 2,000 wrappers of chips, 3,000 used condoms and 500 abortion injections."
His bizarre comments backfired and invited the wrath from BJP chief Amit Shah. Amid all this, his comments also became a butt of joke as Twitterati did not spare Ahuja and BJP at all.
Chanakya knew #BJPCountsCondoms ..🙏🏻
— Shankh Paad (@ShankhPaad) February 23, 2016
BJP MLA took SwachhBharat too seriously, he started collecting used condoms outside JNU.#BJPCountsCondoms
— Azaz Shaikh #WithRG (@AzazShaikhIYC) February 23, 2016
BJP MLA went on a condom counting spree @ JNU revealed, he found 3k condoms, but did not reveal if they were used or not #BJPCountsCondoms 😂
— Khaled Nazari (@KhaledNazari92) February 23, 2016
Santa calls up PM house & says: "I want to b next PM !
— ravish kumar (@raviishndtv) February 23, 2016
Modi - R u an Idiot?
Santa- Why ? Is it compulsory now ?
For BJP virodh and nirodh r both anti national #BJPCountsCondoms
— শেখর (@MangoBwoy) February 23, 2016
What is BJP trying to say?
— Vinod Mehta (@DrunkVinodMehta) February 23, 2016
"Abki Baar, Condom Ginne wali sarkaar?"#BJPCountsCondoms
BJP MLA wanted to prove that writing gyan or dev in d name doesn't make u a gyani or devta. . an idiot is an idiot #BJPCountsCondoms
— Vipinn Peter (@VipinnPeter) February 24, 2016
(Image: Indiatimes)