The Amazing Life And Career Of Wall Street's Favorite Writer, Michael Lewis


Michael Lewis

Reuters/Lucas Jackson

This month, Michael Lewis retook Wall Street by storm with "Flash Boys," his new book about a group of traders who banded together to understand the damage that high-frequency trading (HFT) was doing to markets.


Whether or not you agree with the premise that HFT is harmful, there's no question that it's sparked some serious debate on Wall Street. It's the kind of thing only a writer with Lewis' amazing track record - which started with the modern classic "Liar's Poker" - could do.

The bond salesman turned literary sensation has changed careers three (or maybe it was four) times before settling into his current niche as one of the most prolific journalist-authors of the past two decades.

What's driving this success? Well, most have attributed it to Lewis' obsession with the "arena of success," the competitive spirit that drives the athletic, entrepreneurial, and financial minds.

It's no doubt that Lewis has built his own arena of success, and it's only getting bigger.
