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The Founders Of YouTube Have A New Video-Sharing Startup Called MixBit

Aug 8, 2013, 18:06 IST

The VergeYouTube founders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen have officially revealed their latest project, a social video sharing and remixing site called MixBit.


MixBit follows in the same vein as Vine and Instagram Video, allowing users to record 16 second video clips.

But the "mixing" aspect of MixBit is what gives the social sharing platform a unique identity. MixBit users can edit together up to 256 clips, creating up to an hour long video, The New York Times reports.

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And MixBit users don't only have access to clips they record personally. All public MixBit content is available for users to remix into their own creations, and all MixBit users are anonymous.

That's right, no personal identities.


That could change, but for now the emphasis will be not on popular MixBit users but rather popular MixBit creations.

MixBit's emphasis on communal content shifts the platform's focus away from being a simple video uploading website and instead celebrates the act of remixing and editing.

“The whole purpose of MixBit is to reuse the content within the system,” Mr. Hurley said in an interview with The New York Times. “I really want to focus on great stories that people can tell.”

And if you think about it, MixBit is simply creating a more direct channel for YouTube's remixers to migrate to, with the additional bonus of not having to worry about copyright infringement or lawsuits.

MixBit will go live sometimes today, available first online and for Apple iOS devices, with an Android version to follow in the next several weeks.

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