The show would be a first-of-its-kind digital talent hunt based on public voting where the audience would judge the next big digital star of the country. Presented by, the show would be powered by Gionee and RedFM would be the radio partner.
The Digital Superstar would be chosen from Musicians, DJs, comedians, mimicry artists, dancers, contortionists, jugglers, singers, acrogymnasts and many such performers. Auditions began from January 19th and will the finale would be held in May. The winning contestant would be awarded with a contract worth Rs 20 Lakhs from FremantleMedia and One Digital.
Participants would be uploading videos of their talents and these videos will be judged by the audience through the social media platforms.
"After the super success of Indian Idol, India's got Talent, we at Fremantle are delighted to launch a platform that will be accessible to everyone with Internet access. Given that India is a priority market for FremantleMedia and a popular destination for many of our hit international brands, we want to continue driving our strategy of aggregating talent across media with India's Digital Superstars. We have been instrumental in sourcing, discovering and unleashing talent across television and this is the obvious next step for us to take the talent hunt to the internet which is a world unto itself,” stated Anupama Mandloi, managing director, FremantleMedia India.
Manish Kalra, Director Integrated Marketing, says “The digital medium democratizes opportunities and choices and enables easy access to them for everyone like no other medium. We are very excited to be part of India’s Digital Superstar and support this effort to celebrate the immense talent that is waiting to be discovered.”
Shabir Momin, MD & CTO, ZengaTV & OneDigital adds “The youth today is hungry for exciting and engaging content and 'India’s Digital Superstar' is an opportunity where every moment will count and adrenal will be on the high. This gives everyone a chance to showcase talent from anywhere in the world and be the next start in this world which has no boundaries.”
Arvind.R.Vohra, India Head - Gionee Smartphones said "Digital as a platform is connected to the youth of this country. IDS as a digital platform is the first in the country, which creates the opportunity for the youth to showcase the talent and get recognized. We at Gionee are proud to be associated with IDS as this allows the youth to follow their passions and this has got a great synergy with our brand as we also want our consumers to follow the passions and we help them as an enabler for it."
Gurpreet Singh, COO & co-founder One Digital Entertainment says “With the unique format of the show specially created for the digital platform,