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The internet can't decide how dogs should wear pants

Dec 29, 2015, 20:29 IST

There is a new debate making its way around the internet, and it has to do with the age-old question of how a dog should wear pants.


In the picture below, which is on the front page of Reddit and being passed around social-media outlets like Facebook and Twitter, you can see the two options presented:

The argument for the first option is that pants are meant to cover our legs, and since a dog has four legs, dog pants should take that into account. Many commenters have disputed this, contending that, in fact, dogs have two arms and two legs. The argument for the second is that pants are meant to cover the limbs attached to our buttocks (and our buttocks themselves), and thus this is what dog pants should focus on.

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From a practical perspective, the second one is clearly the winner, and that seems to be the leading consensus. But the more interesting implications of the picture aren't really about dog pants themselves, but about why human clothing has evolved in the way it has.

As one commenter put it, pants are meant to cover "shame."


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