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The New BlackBerry Phone Launches Today In The US: Are You Buying One?

Mar 22, 2013, 19:04 IST

Steve Kovach, Business InsiderThe BlackBerry Z10.After nearly a year of delays, the new BlackBerry Z10 has arrived in the U.S. and is on sale today.


AT&T is the first carrier to sell the phone. It costs $199.99 with a two-year contract.

T-Mobile will begin selling the Z10 on March 26 and Verizon will sell it on March 28. Sprint decided to skip the Z10 and will only sell the keyboard-equipped BlackBerry Q10 when it launches in a few months.

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The Z10 got pretty good reviews, but the question is now whether or not BlackBerry waited too long to release a phone that's competitive with the iPhone and top-tier Android phones.

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