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The Whistleblower Who Broke MLB's Latest Steroids Scandal Says NBA And NCAA Players Are Involved Too

Jul 26, 2013, 02:51 IST

Ezra Shaw/Getty ImagesBiogenesis whistleblower Porter Fischer told ESPN's Outside the Lines that the scandal that rocked baseball also involves players from the NBA, NCAA, professional boxing, tennis and mixed martial arts.


Fischer did not name names, but says there are at least a dozen more athletes from several sports who were associated with Biogenesis — the Miami-based clinic that is believed to have distributed PEDs.

Fischer began a relationship with Biogenesis founder Tony Bosch as a client, according to OTL, but began a business relationship with Bosch when he offered to help create a marketing campaign for the clinic.

Fischer quickly realized that Bosch had plenty of customers in the sports world. From OTL:

"In just the four years that I know, it's got to be well over a hundred, easy. It's almost scary to think about how many people have gone through [Bosch's treatments] and how long he's gotten away with this."


Fischer has been the spearhead behind Major League Baseball's investigation that led to the suspension of Ryan Braun. The scandal exploded when Fischer turned over boxes of documents to The Miami Times, which broke the story. According to him, he has documents from as late as 2009 that record Bosch's business activities, which he says include ties to not just athletes but policemen, attorneys and judges.

Soon after the Times story ran in January, MLB sent its own investigators to talk to Fischer. Outside The Lines reporters say they found a business card from an MLB investigator that read "Please call -- We know time = $. Call ASAP."

According to Outside The Lines, MLB offered Fischer $125,000 to cooperate with their probe. Fearing retribution if he cooperated, Fischer turned the offer down.

Fischer says his life has been hell since the story broke.

"On March 24, he said, while transporting the documents, his car was broken into and four of the seven boxes he had were stolen. The Boca Raton Police Department report of the incident states a handgun and a laptop were also stolen. One night, Fischer said, he was chased by three cars until a friend and police intervened. He said someone tried to poison one of his dogs and that several times he found feces on his car."


We'll see if there's any merit to his claims in the coming weeks.

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