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Meghan Markle says her family has a 'basic right to privacy'

Mar 10, 2021, 03:17 IST
Meghan Markle spoke to Oprah Winfrey about her family's right to privacy.CBS
  • Meghan Markle told Oprah Winfrey she and Prince Harry were expecting a "basic right to privacy."
  • Markle said you should be able to share the parts of your lives "that you're comfortable with."
  • Markle and Harry have taken legal action in the past to protect their right to privacy.

Meghan Markle spoke candidly about the level of privacy she and Prince Harry were looking for during her interview with Oprah Winfrey.

In an unaired clip shared on OprahMag.com, Markle told Winfrey that even though she married into the royal family, she believes the couple should be able to have a certain level of privacy.

"I think everyone has a basic right to privacy. Basic," Markle said. "We're not talking about anything that anybody else wouldn't expect."

The Duchess of Sussex added that she thinks life is about being able to share the parts "that you're comfortable with."

"There's no one who's on Instagram or social media that would say, 'Because I shared this one picture, that entitles you to have my entire camera roll. Go ahead and look through it.' No one would want that," she said, adding that "it's about boundaries" and "respect."


"They've created a false narrative," she continued. "I've never talked about privacy. I think that's just a basic understanding."

Markle and Harry have gone to great lengths to protect their right to privacy

In 2019, Thomas Markle gave the letter Markle wrote to him to the Mail on Sunday.Access Hollywood/YouTube, Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

In February, Markle won a legal battle against the Mail on Sunday newspaper for publishing parts of a letter she had written to her father, Thomas Markle.

As Insider's Mikhalia Friel reported, Mr. Justice Warby, the judge on the case, ruled that the Mail misused Markle's private information and breached copyright by publishing the letter.

"The claimant had a reasonable expectation that the contents of the Letter would remain private. The Mail Articles interfered with that reasonable expectation," Warby said in the official ruling.

In a statement shared with Insider, Markle said she is "grateful to the courts for holding Associated Newspapers and The Mail on Sunday to account for their illegal and dehumanizing practices."

Markle and Prince Harry are continuing to take legal action against photos taken of Archie without their permission.Toby Melville/Pool/Samir Hussein/WireImage

Last year, Markle and Harry also sued a paparazzi agency for taking pictures of Archie while he was playing in the family's backyard.

In October, the photo agency, X17, apologized to the couple, agreed to destroy the photos it had taken, and stated it would ban the use of drones and telephoto lenses to capture images of the family, Insider's Debanjali Bose reported.

"We apologize to The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and their son for the distress we have caused," the agency said in a statement that a representative for Markle and Harry shared with Insider. "We were wrong to offer these photographs and commit to not doing so again."

In September 2020, Markle also took legal action against Splash News after it sold photos of her and Archie on Vancouver Island. According to the Evening Standard, Markle sued the photo agency on grounds that her son's privacy was invaded.

In December, a statement read to the UK court stated that Markle and Splash News UK had agreed to settle the claim over the photos, according to The Guardian, but the duchess is still continuing to pursue another claim against the sister agency, Splash News US.

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