This couple made the perfect 'Game of Thrones' meets 'Star Wars' cosplay mash-up


"Game of Thrones" and "Star Wars" are arguably the two largest franchises in the world, so it was only a matter of time before some genius created the perfect cosplay mash-up.


Redditor Scootch1233 and his wife - known in real life as Scott and Claire - may have achieved cosplay perfection with their Melisandre and Jon Snow meets Rey and Han Solo costumes.

Bask in the glory of MelisandRey and Jon Snolo:

Jon Snolo and MelisandRey cosplay pictures from Reddit


"You know nothing."/"I know."

"My wife and I wanted to do something unique but also recognizable," Scott tells INSIDER. "We couldn't pick which of our favorite fandom to go with, so we just mashed 'Star Wars' and 'Game of Thrones' together. The more we thought about it, the more we wanted to mash up the characters names, and these characters' names were just too perfect!"

Scott posted the image to /r/GameofThrones, /r/cosplay, and /r/StarWars. In less than 24 hours, his photo had hit the front page of the "Game of Thrones" subreddit.

"We were worried our mash-ups weren't obvious enough, but we were pleasantly surprised at how many people got it," Scott says. "Most people noticed my wife's Melisandre necklace and got it right away. It would take a second for them to place my costume, but the blaster/sword finally sealed the deal."


The blaster/sword combo is Scott's favorite piece of the cosplay. Here's a closer look at the weapon:

Jon Snolo blaster gun and sword combinations


The direwolf pommel combined with Solo's blaster is perfection.

Scott and Claire wore the MelisandRey and Jon Snolo cosplays to this year's DragonCon, and might make appearances at future cons as well. "We're hoping to go to Walker Stalker Con in October, then I'll be at JordanCon in April to see my favorite author, Brandon Sanderson," Scott says.

If you're a fellow con attender, make sure to keep an eye out for this duo. They don't have plans yet for another mash-up, but this one is so perfect we wouldn't blame them for using it every year.

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