It is that time of the year again. The riotous merry-making will kick off soon with the beating of the dhak. After all, what is
It is an extravagant celebration year after year that never fails to impress. You must have done the rounds already – shopping till you drop, chomping through gourmet food, visiting crowd-spewing vacation spots, meeting
Been there, done that but still want to do something different? Here is a list of six must-do’s that can make these festival days totally different. Try them out and tell us how you feel.
Take a thrill pill: Break away and open up. Do something you have never tried before. How about a lesson in paragliding, bungee jumping or salsa? Or try and find some unexplored trekking routes and feel like a second Livingstone, trudging up and down. A life without adventure is bound to get stale. So create your own thrill story and live it – but do it safely. Get professional trainers who will help you out.
Pamper yourself: Do you always come last on your priority list? Just reverse that and label yourself ‘top priority’ this time. Nothing relaxes us more than ‘living’ life in our own way. So sleep late without worrying about office. Get a makeover done at a spa/salon. Chill out with your favourite drink. Play with the cat. Or order yourself a sumptuous dinner. Try all these and more that will make you feel pampered.
Help out: A lot of people out there could really do with a little help. So take the first step and do some volunteer work. Teach the street kids; raise funds for NGO projects or donate a little for a cause close to your heart. Our heart went out to the home-maker who had gone door-to-door and collected old woollens to help street kids fight the Delhi cold.
Go for a drive: Drive slowly – let the journey sink into you. A soak in the rain, sun & dust, a drink of adrak wali chai (ginger tea), a picnic lunch on the grass, an evening stroll under the stars – the to-do list simply gets longer until you are exhausted. But that’s the way to live a life without traps.
Have fun with food: If you are fond of fine-dining, plan things a bit ahead. So that you have enough cash and a cosy corner table to spend some gourmet time at your favourite joint. Otherwise, go cross-country to discover the many traditional foods India has to offer. Better still, dig up the old family recipe book and cook some of the dishes you loved as a kid. They will bring back priceless memories.
Hugs are in, try them: Chuck your smartphone. Go and meet whom you wanted to meet for a long time, but never had the time. No video chat or phone call can replace that warm handshake and the tight hug, some tears and laughter together. That’s the stuff human connects are made of.