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Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey says the ability to edit tweets is 'definitely needed'

Dec 30, 2016, 15:55 IST

Twitter and Square CEO Jack Dorsey.Mike Blake/Reuters

Jack Dorsey, the founder and CEO of Twitter, has said that his company is thinking about letting users edit their tweets, saying that such a feature is "definitely needed."

The entrepreneur invited Twitter users on Thursday to suggest how the social media platform could be improved in 2017.

Users responded with suggestions such as introducing a bookmarking tool, improving safety, and developing an edit button, among other things.

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Dorsey asked a few Twitter users who mentioned the edit-tweet button: "Is it more important to edit for spelling/corrections? 5 minute window to edit mistakes or do you need to be able to edit anytime?"

He went on to admit: "We're thinking a lot about it."


Such a feature may have saved president elect Donald Trump some embarrassment earlier this month when he misspelt the word "unprecedented" - a mistake that he was ridiculed for worldwide. It could also allow users to modify controversial tweets that offended individuals or groups of people.

If Twitter were to introduce an edit-tweet button, then it would be made available to all of Twitter's users as opposed to just certified users who hold a blue tick, Dorsey said.

It looks as though Dorsey and Twitter are unclear as to whether an edit-tweet button should allow users to fix minor typos or rewrite their entire tweet. If it was anything like the latter, then Dorsey said a revision history would need to be shown.

Dorsey did not say whether an edit-tweet capability would definitely be introduced and he didn't provide any time frames either.

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have allowed their users to edit posts for a considerable amount of time but Twitter has held off introducing the feature.


Twitter has, however, introduced a number of other features to its platform over the course of the last year. The company has, for example, excluded photos and other content from the 140-character tweet limit and introduced new 360-degree live video capabilities.

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