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Woman Turns Herself In Just So Police Will Take Down An Unflattering Photo Of Her On Facebook

Oct 7, 2014, 20:29 IST

A Columbus, Ohio woman named Monica Hargrove had a warrant for her arrest on an aggravated-robbery charge.


After the police posted a photo of her on their Facebook page, Hargrove went to the police station and turned herself in.

All because she didn't like the way she looked in the photo.

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The Columbus Dispatch explains,

The division's public-information team posted Hargrove's mug shot on Sept. 10 on its Facebook page with a description of the charge: On Aug. 30, police said, she gave a friend a ride to a pharmacy to pick up a prescription and then robbed the friend.


Hargrove called police and said she wanted her picture taken off the page.

The detective said sure, just come on down to headquarters. She did and was promptly locked up.

She since has been indicted on robbery, aggravated-robbery and kidnapping charges.

Even worse for Hargrove, the photo is now all over the internet.

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