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17 Photos That Prove Ryanair's CEO Is Unlike Anyone Else In The Business

Sep 20, 2013, 22:01 IST

REUTERS/Scanpix ScanpixUltra low-cost carrier Ryanair is the subject of endless derision from travelers who hate its endless fees and lack of service, but there's no denying it does good business.


At the center of the unusual success story is Michael O'Leary, the airline's 52-year-old Irish CEO.

O'Leary is nothing like the usually staid airline boss.

He prefers Viking and French chambermaid outfits to suits and ties. He curses at journalists and uses press conferences to rant about European tax policies that drive him nuts.

He has required his chauffeur to drive in the bus lane to avoid traffic and been accused of telling lies in court.


And in a recent announcement that Ryanair wants to improve its service to win over more customers, he didn't mince words.

"We should try to eliminate things that unnecessarily piss people off," he said.

Once you know all that, the following images of O'Leary pulling faces and clowning around will come as no surprise. This just isn't normal CEO behavior.

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