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9 good things you can do to better your career

9 good things you can do to better your career
Careers5 min read
Gone are the days when merely pitching our professional background could land us a suitable job. Today, organizations are not interested in knowing what you can contribute to a particular team as a team member or a manager in a 9-5 job. Milestones are bigger, expectations are higher and corporate dream knows no bounds. You are not a mere employee but a crucial pillar for the company, whose actions are just not going to impact him, his small team at workplace, but his family, the organization and the society at large.

If we haven't got you thinking yet, here's an inspiring campaign by 100 Pipers which says - A small change can make a big difference. If this won't broaden the horizon of your imagination and put things into perspective, then what will. Take inspiration and show your employer how you can make a BIG difference to people around you, and at the same time to the company’s objectives and goals.

100 Pipers' message asks you to take a broader approach. It wants you to think beyond yourself - You are not just a drop of water, you are the drop of water without which the ocean can never be full. Keeping 100 Pipers' strong and meaningful purpose in mind, now take a little tour of what could help you better your career while also benefiting people, teams and organizations on your way:

Before you read on, don't miss out on watching 100 Pipers ‘The Good You Can’ videos in association with ET Now.

PS: Everything you read after this will make sense only when you have watch the above videos first.

1. Dont' Be Idle

Have you thought how a simple change can bring about a significant difference? In a video, 100 Pipers has highlighted a crucial human behaviour that we indulge in often, not realizing how it's affecting our productivity. One of the biggest ways you can build a good and successful career is by not being idle. Even if you finish your tasks, you should always be ideating and keeping yourself occupied with something productive. This will not just help you in climbing the corporate ladder faster, but also benefit the organization you work with, and your innovations will make a difference to the world at large. Remember, initiatives always lead to productive results for one and all, and that will happen only if you are not being idle.

2. Be enthusiastic. ALWAYS

Being enthusiastic about learning new things and accepting new work if you get the opportunity to do so is a MUST. When you do, you're adding more value to your company and infusing diversity in the corporate ecosystem with your dynamism. So, it’s not just you but everyone benefits from your passion to take new challenges.

3. Focus on developing a relationship

Whether it’s a short or long-term relationship, it’s important to build rapport and be genuine at office or in your social circles. Don’t focus on what you can get out of your relationships. Take the time to really get to know people. It reflects you are a genuine person. Whether its organizations or society, everyone would want to invest in building their relationships with someone genuine. The bigger circle of people you have, the bigger impact your actions will make.

4. Never take criticism personally

It's easy to get defensive when being criticized. Remember that any criticism from bosses, colleagues or anyone else is not a personal attack. Fight the urge and give your boss or co-workers a fair chance to express their thoughts. Just think the person giving you the feedback might have a reasonable point, something you may not pick up on if you're busy thinking about how to defend yourself. Utilize it to better yourself and your career, so you can act maturely, take corrective steps and be productive for your company in the worst of times.

5. Don't be too hard on yourself

Remember that everyone makes mistakes and has things to learn. Yes, that includes you. There's nothing wrong with making mistakes, but you are going wrong if you are repeating the same mistakes. Till that happens, you are just fine. Don’t punish yourself with self-doubts, because while you are questioning yourself, time is running out and that important milestone is waiting to be achieved. Delaying can have far-reaching consequences for everyone around you, so just get to it.

6. Finish What You Started

How seldom do you realize that your actions can affect others in multiple ways. Think for a moment about how we are affecting others for our own selfish reasons. The key to a successful career is always completing your tasks on time. If you are a person leaving your tasks in the middle or procrastinating, it affects the output of your entire team. It also goes on to reflect that the company employees are not reliable people. Just imagine clients looking down upon your team and company just for your individual untimely delivery of work. So, if you have a task at hand, don’t waste time sitting on it, because there’s a lot at stake.

7. Mind your manners

Say please when you make requests and thank someone if they do something for you. Don't swear at others if you get into a disagreement (and don't raise your voice in anger, either). Always smile and stand when you're being introduced to someone new. Offer a friendly handshake. It shows you are humble and respectful towards people. Maintain eye contact while introducing you. Try not to cross your arms because hunching down simply indicates that you are either nervous or suffering from low self esteem. These may sound insignificant, but go a long way in leaving an impression. Display regard, humility and confidence, and tables will turn - companies with big aspirations would want you as their face.

8. Be punctual

This one is so simple, and yet so many employees in the workplace completely fail at being punctual. Sure, it's okay to be a few minutes late once in a while. But being early to office gives you the mind space to organize and align things, plus there are high chances you will be more productive by the end of the day, than days when you are starting late. This way, you are definitely adding more value to your organization each day.

9. Save between Strokes

While you are investing time and energy on a crucial task, make sure there is not a larger responsibility that you are missing out on your way. While it's good to focus your efforts on day-to-day duties, it's imperative to keep the big picture in mind for improved productivity and holistic results.

If you are still wondering why you need to sail towards a better a future, simply take a look at the shocking statistics mentioned in 'The Good You Can Do' video series by 100 Pipers. They might change your perspective!


