How Resulticks, an AI-powered marketing automation platform is helping brands orchestrate seamless, hyper-targeted experiences
Redickaa Subrammanian, Co-founder & CEO, Resulticks
Redickaa Subrammanian of Resulticks tells us how the platform has been helping brands on their marketing journeys

How Resulticks, an AI-powered marketing automation platform is helping brands orchestrate seamless, hyper-targeted experiences

Redickaa Subrammanian of Resulticks tells us how the platform has been helping brands on their marketing journeys
  • Resulticks has developed advanced audience data management capabilities that help marketers overcome data silos.
  • It has been using AI and Machine learning to enable brands to orchestrate seamless, hyper-targeted experiences across all relevant channels and devices.
  • Redickaa Subrammanian, CEO and Co-founder, Resulticks tells us how the platform has been helping brands in their marketing journey.
For years, marketers have been trying to harness the power of data to segment and target audiences to varying degrees of success. Even with technology evolving at a rapid speed, the challenge of consolidating, integrating, and analysing data to make it more actionable, contextualised, and relevant has been on top of the marketer’s mind.
This is one of the many problems that Resulticks, an AI-powered marketing automation platform, is trying to solve for marketers.

Six years after evolving from the digital marketing agency, Interakt Digital Group, the platform today has an impressive roster of clients from different sectors.

We recently caught up with Redickaa Subrammanian, CEO and Co-founder of Resulticks, who walked us through all that the platform has achieved in the past 6 years and the factors that have been helping it grow at a rapid speed.

Edited excerpts:

Q) What role has Resulticks been playing in helping brands come up with more relevant and seamless experiences?
We built the Resulticks platform on three major pillars. The first is our master audience data management capability—also referred to as customer data platform—which consolidates both structured and unstructured data from all the brand’s relevant internal and external sources. The second is our omnichannel communication orchestration capability, which enables our clients to deliver seamless customer journeys—single dimensional, multidimensional, or event triggered—across every relevant channel online and offline, including social, email, mobile, voice assistants, extended systems, chatbots, QR codes, and call centres. The third is our advanced analytics capabilities, which power all the deep insights required to create advanced audience segments and orchestrate targeted, highly individualised omnichannel campaigns. It empowers our customers with comprehensive campaign and audience reports with AI insights to take corrective measures in real time for results-driven marketing efforts. Although Resulticks is a full cloud, SaaS-based solution, we help businesses in highly regulated industries like BFSI and healthcare ensure data security with our unique, hybrid deployment model, which, hosts personally identifiable information on premises while ensuring access to the full benefits of cloud marketing.

Q) How do marketers stand to gain by associating with Resulticks?
For years, marketers have been trying to harness the full power of data to segment and target audiences to varying degrees of success. Even with ever-advancing technology, they still face the challenge of how to consolidate, integrate, and analyse it to make it more actionable, contextualised, and relevant. To address this global challenge, we developed advanced audience data management capabilities that help marketers overcome the data silos that have historically prevented them from having a 360-degree view of the customer. Our AI and machine learning layer, combined with an intuitive user interface, enables brands to orchestrate seamless, hyper-targeted experiences across all relevant channels and devices. And with our omnichannel rules engine, brands can specify in advance detailed business rules and customer actions to trigger relevant, contextual communications at every critical touchpoint along the customer’s pathway to conversion—always in real time.

Q) You say that today consumers demand the utmost levels of personalization. However, how do you ensure that you draw a line between hyper-personalization and intrusion?
At Resulticks, our advanced technologies enable audience identification and tracking at the segment-of-one level. This helps ensure that each consumer is not simply identified, but also engaged with contextualised messaging that builds on past moments and resonates with the present. We also enable individualised conversion attribution at every relevant touch point, which contributes to continuous performance improvement. With all that hyper-personalised power comes responsibility. First, marketers must ensure complete customer privacy at all times. Any privacy breach has the potential to hamper the relationship with customers or to inflict potentially serious damage on the brand. Marketers must also avoid customers with overly individualised messaging that can unsettle and drive them away from the brand.

Q) Can you share some stats where brands have benefited from using your offering?
For every client, the platform has delivered exceptional business results, including:
  • Over $125 million in incremental revenue in the last 36 months for one of the world’s largest smartphone brands
  • 20% incremental revenue through online sales on travel retail partner sites in APAC for the one of the world’s most respected beauty and cosmetic brands
  • $34 million in incremental inflows in 18 months for one of the leading Asian banks through omnichannel customer engagement
  • 15% uplift in sales through segment-of-one communication for an Indian healthcare brand

The platform has also delivered operation results to clients such as:
  • 2.8X uplift in segment performance with advanced audience segmentation
  • 20% increase in profile augmentation through our 360-degree audience view analytics
  • 22% cost efficiency in campaign management with channel optimization
  • 40% savings with resource optimization thanks to our detailed campaign analytics

Q) What you do is still an evolving space. How are you educating marketers about what you do and how that'll help them in their journey? Is it difficult to convince them about the importance of what you do?

Resulticks evolved from the digital marketing agency, Interakt Digital Group, which I founded along with my business partner Dakshen Ram in 2004 and ran it successfully on a global scale for ten years. Through our work with some of the world’s most respected brands, we gained experience with virtually every marketing technology platform and application in existence at the time, learning both their strengths and weaknesses. As a result, we became acutely aware of the universal difficulty our clients faced in managing big data, orchestrating omnichannel communications, and documenting marketing ROI. So, leveraging that knowledge and experience, we set out to address each of those challenges in a holistic, integrated way. After three years of development, we named our solution Resulticks and launched it officially in 2014. We’ve continuously enhanced the solution ever since to address even more fully our clients’ most pressing marketing challenges including delivering a seamless, highly individualised customer experience in real-time while also ensuring data security and privacy.

Q) Was there any challenge while launching in India?
When entering the Indian market—as in all markets—a major hurdle was helping the brands realize the full potential of digital technologies holistically and strategically. We have to show them the bigger picture of how they can leverage digital marketing automation to create coherent customer lifecycle journeys across channels and devices. Brands everywhere tend to stay in their comfort zones, which can prevent them from expanding their strategic perspective. We sometimes must enable them first by taking small steps, securing quick wins, and integrating a true omnichannel approach over time.

Q) There's constantly a lot of conversation around data privacy. Does working with constantly evolving data mean infringing on the consumer's privacy?
In today’s AI-focused world, data is the fuel that fires the growth engine. What has changed dramatically in the past decade is the speed and scale at which brands can use it. In a digital-first world, marketers must balance data-driven marketing with privacy concerns by collecting data responsibly and using it wisely to engage audiences. Every year sees new customer privacy and audience data management regulations being enacted by various governing bodies including the likes of GDPR. There might be a need for brands to transition from solely relying on second and third-party data managed by other platforms. They have to build a stronger reliance on data they collect themselves. Data is typically used by marketers to segment and target audiences accurately and to organize and deliver omnichannel customer experiences. In delivering these experiences, Resulticks provides both technical and process-wise measures to help marketers conform to compliance requirements, ensure consumer consent, and maintain data security. This mitigates risks associated with the handling of sensitive data at a fundamental level. Our initiatives around data security and privacy have been widely acclaimed by leading information security leaders within our client organizations.

Q) What is the future of marketing automation?
Leading marketers are now breaking away from traditional strategies to take on a more omnichannel marketing approach. For example, in the past two years, voice has exploded as a potentially powerful channel on a global level with intelligent voice assistants such as Alexa, Cortana, and Google Assistant inserting themselves into daily lives. While the investment necessary for an omnichannel strategy may seem steep, real-world experience with our clients has resulted in, for example, upto 30% of cost savings and double the incremental conversions. In a recent survey commissioned by Resulticks to study omnichannel readiness among Indian marketers, 90% of the total 414 marketers participated in the survey have either already implemented an integrated approach to omnichannel customer engagement or are inclined to do so. Obviously, the future is omnichannel and individualised,as digitally empowered audience member increasingly expects highly tailored brand experience on demand. Armed with unified customer data, advanced analytics, and seamless campaign orchestration across all channels and devices—and in real time—marketers will not only meet their customer’s demands, they’ll exceed expectations and develop the kind of brand loyalty that ensures continuous growth.