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Apple is killing the headphone jack - here are 4 unexpected ways this will change the world

Jul 14, 2016, 22:24 IST

nowhereelse.frA rumored leak of what the bottom of the next iPhone could look like.The days of your headphones working with all of your devices appear to be nearing an end.


Rumors of Apple removing the headphone jack from the next iPhone have persisted for months, while recent reports and launches have suggested that Android phones could follow suit by replacing the traditional jack with USB-C.

As you might expect, this would complicate things for the people who actually make the headphones Apple and co. are about to change.

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Judging by recent conversations with several of those companies, though, most aren't panicking. If anything, many are excited about the possibility of selling more Bluetooth pairs, which would become the only way to use your headphones across device types if this scenario were to come true. There could be some newfound benefits, too.

Still, there'd be changes, many of which may not be immediately noticeable. I took a deep dive on what a world of jack-less smartphones might look like last week, but here are a few additional side effects that were brought up in those interviews.


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