Harrison Ford Really Pierced Jimmy Fallon's Ear On 'Late Night'


On Friday night's episode of "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon," Harrison Ford stopped by the promote his new film "Ender's Game" and ... to pierce the host's left ear.


Ford, who has an iconic left earring himself, donned a white lab coat, purple latex gloves, and a deadpan humor that only heightened Fallon's sheer terror.

This is what happened:

"Because he's one of the coolest people in history and I want to be like him, I've asked Harrison Ford to pierce my ear," Fallon said.


Here's the table of equipment (scissors, antiseptic wipes, needle gun, red feather earring). "It's not gonna hurt ... me," Ford said.

Fallon is terrified before anything even happens.

Ford goes in with the needle...


And voilá ... a very visibly shaken Fallon and his new red feather earring.

Take a look at the hilarious (and at times graphic) video below:
