Here's the preview for the next episode of 'Game of Thrones' with big hints


cersei the mountain game of thrones


What will become of Arya, is the Hound going to seek out vengeance for his slain friends, and what is Cersei up to? Hopefully, all of these answers are coming on next Sunday's episode of "Game of Thrones." 

HBO has released the teaser for next week's episode, "No One", and we'll see more of Brienne and Podrick, a reunion with Jaime, and more of that devilish waif. Plus, Cersei will finally say that killer line from the teasers, "I choose violence."

There are only three more episodes of "Game of Thrones" left this season. (We know, it's going fast!) Season six episode eight will air Sunday, June 12.

Check out the preview below:


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