5 Tips to help your children learn at home during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown

5 Tips to help your children learn at home during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown
Coronavirus pandemic is weighing down upon the parents making parenting an all the more challenging one for them. Millions all over the world are placed amidst the multiple pressures of work, childcare and education within the boundaries of their homes. Robert Jenkins, Global Chief of Education, UNICEF, who himself is a parent provides 5 tips to parents to help their children learn at home during the quarantine period.

Tip -1
Plan a routine together

It is a good idea to innovate a schedule that will take in activities like learning, playtime and reading. In all the activities at home, never forget to check how these three activities can be incorporated.

Take your time

To start with, keep the learning sessions as short as possible so that the kids are not scared and disillusioned at the very beginning. Eventually you can make the sessions longer and include more activities. For instance, if your ultimate goal is to deliver 30 to 40 minute sessions, it is good to start with just 10 minute-long sessions and build up from there. In every session, combine online or screen time ideally clubbed with offline activities and exercises.


Have open conversations

Remove the inhibitions and reservations in your children and encourage them to ask questions. Make them feel comfortable enough to express their feelings. Different children react to stress in different ways. We must be patient and try to understand children in their own wavelength. To start with, invite your child to talk about the issue that is stressing him or her. Find out how much the child knows already and then follow their lead. It is the bounden duty of the parents to discuss good hygienic practices with their kids like washing hands and not touching their face.

Protect the children online

Children and adults alike have endless opportunities on digital platforms to learn, entertain and stay in touch with friends. Nevertheless, increased online activities also mean higher risks to children’s safety, protection and privacy. Create some rules on how, when and why the internet can be used and share those rules with your children. Sit with your kids and thoroughly explain the logic of why it is good to abide by those rules. Wherever you feel it is appropriate and necessary, do not forget to implement parental controls.

Tip – 5
Stay in touch with your children’s school

Find out the best ways to keep in touch with your children’s school and teachers. Maintaining a good rapport with the child’s school is important so that you stay informed, can ask questions and receive the necessary guidance wherever necessary in parenting. Participate in parenting forums. If you do not have access to one, create such an initiative in your locality or professional circles. Community groups can share some tips and useful guidelines regarding parenting among the members. In fact, these communities can share tons of useful information on home schooling during tough times like the one we are undergoing right now.

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