TN govt to provide lockdown relief to unregistered handloom weavers

TN govt to provide lockdown relief to unregistered handloom weavers
Chennai, May 20 () The Tamil Nadu government on Wednesday decided to extend the lockdown relief provided to handloom weavers, by giving assistance to those not registered with a relevant board.

The government was already reaching out to a little over 1.03 lakh registered handloom weavers by providing a cash relief of Rs 1,000 each in two installments, an official release here said.



It has received request from unregistered weavers that they also be given assistance, an official release here said.

Accordingly, the government has now decided to provide such weavers also an aid of Rs 2,000 and the Handlooms Department director has been asked to prepare the guidelines in this connection, the release said. SA ROH ROH

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