Sparks flew and both of them fell in love, despite the language barrier.
Speaking to the Sun about how they would converse with each other, Hitesh said, “Neither of us knew each other’s language so I would copy and paste her messages using Google Hindi translation to understand what she was trying to say.
"I would then compose my own message in Hindi, translate into English and then send it to her.”
Eventually, they started keeping in touch via Google’s video chat and after around twelve months of online romance, Emily decided it was time to meet Hitesh in person.
Last week, she flew down to Ahmedabad, and ended up marrying Hitesh in a Hindu ceremony on the very day they met in person for the first time.
According to Hitesh, Emily and him spoke either in broken English or through gestures when they met in person. He added that he thought it was high time they got out of the phase of indecisiveness and took the plunge as they were dating for almost a year.
And, thus what was supposed to be their first date turned out to be the couple’s Wedding day.
Though his parents were unhappy about the cross-cultural and cross-continental relationship at first, Hitesh somehow managed to convince his parents to support them.
The couple admit that they both fell in love with each other’s simplicity and innocence. Emily is so in love with Hitesh that she even decided to learn Indian cooking.
As of the moment, the couple is planning to visit the U.S in a month or so to celebrate their honeymoon. But, once that is done, Emily claimed that she is going to settle down in India with her unemployed husband and her in-laws in that very Ahmebadad slum.
Well, we’re at a loss for words. But we do wish the very best for these two lovebirds!
Image credit: Sun.co.uk