Spending 15 to 20 minutes a day intensely worrying can lower your overall stress and bring you peace. This is how to do it right.


1. Schedule a time for your worry break

1. Schedule a time for your worry break

Pick a time when you are usually alone and are less likely to be interrupted. Ideally, you would take a worry break on a daily basis, making it part of your routine. This also makes you less prone to skipping it on hectic or stressful days (which is when you need it most). Proactively tending to your mental well-being should be a habit, not an afterthought. Set a calendar reminder, write it in your planner, and commit to it.


2. Channel worries elsewhere until it’s time to focus on them

2. Channel worries elsewhere until it’s time to focus on them

Trying to fight off negative thoughts and emotions backfires. They will just pop back up like trying to hold a beach ball under water.

Instead, capture your worries in a document, journal, or note. You may find it helpful to jot down stressful thoughts as they occur to you, especially if you feel worried about so many things that you can't even keep track of them. (It happens – especially to us perfectionists.)

This serves a few purposes: it keeps you organized, gives you peace of mind you won't forget anything important, and means worries stay out of sight, out of mind until you're prepared to tackle them. This may be difficult at first, but it gets easier.


3. During your worry break, worry intensely, but worry well

3. During your worry break, worry intensely, but worry well

When your scheduled worry break arrives, don't do anything but worry. Free write about your fears and concerns. Be as detailed and specific as possible. Don't censor yourself. If any new ideas or next steps occur to you as you worry, jot those down too.

When problems meet the light of day, you'll probably find that solutions often come more naturally than you ever expected. It makes perfect sense: when you resist negative emotions like worry, they only become stronger. But when you confront them head-on, we diminish their power and often find ways to tackle them productively.

You might find the quiet time for reflection and deep concentration allows you to think more clearly. Or you might try setting a timer to brainstorm possible options to run by your team or a trusted mentor. Asking yourself questions like the ones below can also unlock your creative thinking:

  • What story or limiting thoughts am I telling myself about this situation?
  • What would I do if I had unlimited time and resource or if X wasn't a barrier?
  • What would I like to happen?
  • What will I do first?

4. Worry break over? Time to move on

4. Worry break over? Time to move on

When your worry break is over, switch gears. If you feel fixated on a problem, remember that you'll have another worry break on the calendar. In the meantime, you're now free to focus your energy elsewhere, without the powerful cognitive toll that round-the-clock stress takes.

So, worry away — when the time is right.
