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Pornhub's First Advertising Head Still Hasn't Told His Family He Got The Job

Jun 24, 2014, 22:47 IST

Twitter/@nurigulverNuri Gulver won an international contest to become Pornhub's first creative director.

Nuri Gulver won an international competition Thursday to lead Pornhub's first mainstream advertising campaign, but his parents still don't know he's gotten the job.


That's because in Turkey, where Gulver lives and works as a copywriter at an advertising agency, pornography is both stigmatized and restricted by the government.

The advertising campaign Gulver designed, "All You Need Is Hand," beat out entrants from across the globe, winning him a one-year contract as the adult video site's first ever creative director.

"People in Turkey think that if you watch porn, you are really a pervert," Gulver, 24, told Business Insider. "I just really couldn't tell them I'm the winner of the Pornhub creative director challenge because if I use porn in a sentence, my family is just really confused and surprised like 'My son, what did you do?' My friends were surprised so I am preparing myself to tell my family my success."

Here's his winning ad:



Gulver said he was inspired to enter the competition due to the creative challenge of advertising for Pornhub without mentioning pornography, and because winning the contest would give him a chance to show off his work on a global stage.

For now, he will take on the Pornhub creative director role from Istanbul, where he will also continue to work for the advertising agecny Alametifarika. Eventually, though, he says he would to have a chance to work in America.

"I'm a copywriter in Turkey and I'm trying to do my best, but I know that in the U.S.A. or in Europe, the copywriters have a little chance to show themselves to the world," Gulver said. "Coming to the U.S. is really the dream of all copywriters in Turkey."

Gulver said he was inspired to create the ad by the Beatles song "All You Need Is Love" and by the insight that everyone who visits the site uses their hand.

"With this campaign, I just realized that ideas don't need any language because if you have a good idea, you can show this all over the world," he said.

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