'Saturday Night Live' releases insane video of Navy SEALs fighting to save President Donald Trump's hair


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"Saturday Night Live"/YouTube/screengrab

Donald Trump and an actor playing Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"Saturday Night Live" released a bizarre sketch on Wednesday that did not air when real-estate mogul Donald Trump hosted the show last weekend.

The video featured a comedic imagination of what the Pentagon would have to grapple with in a future Trump administration after the 2016 presidential election.

"President Donald Trump is in trouble," an actor portraying a general declared in the sketch.

"At 2 p.m. today, he will be meeting with Vladimir Putin in Red Square. It is vital to our national-security interests that this meeting proceed without incident," he continued. "Unfortunately, we have intel that forces outside our control could strike." 

"What is it, general? Chechen separatists?" asked another actor, portraying a Navy SEAL.


"ISIL?" inquired another, referring to the Islamic State group.

"Worse," the general replied, pausing for dramatic effect. "Wind." 

"Oh my God! Wind! His hair will blow!" a third SEAL exclaimed.

The SEAL team then miniaturized itself and formed "Scalp Team 6" to defend President Trump's hair.

Here they are landing on Trump's head before he meets Russian President Vladimir Putin:

donald trump snl 1


Then the SEALs battle the elements on Trump's head:

donald trump hair snl


The whole thing is truly bizarre and a number of soldiers die on the 'suicide mission.'

Watch below:

 (via Mediaite

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