I'm a former college teacher. Here are 5 things I want all parents of college students to know.

I'm a former college teacher. Here are 5 things I want all parents of college students to know.
Rachel Garlinghouse was a university professor for nine years.Rachel Garlinghouse
  • I was a college teacher for nine years and taught composition to freshmen and sophomores.
  • I wanted to tell parents to stop emailing me and calling me to complain about their child's grades.

I taught composition to freshmen and sophomores at a university for nine years. As much as I adored my job and my students, there was one big problem that I encountered every semester: parents.

I was prepared to deal with students' issues. For instance, I often referred students to psychological services, worked with them when they failed an essay, and listened to them vent about an unpleasant roommate. However, I was ill-prepared to cope with the students' parents. Here's what I wish I could have told them.

I am your child's teacher — not yours, so don't make demands of me

Parents often called me to complain about their child's grades — or worse, my classroom and grading policies. The truth is that my grading was between the student and me.

The worst part was that because of the university's rules, I couldn't tell the parents that their kid had simply stopped coming to class — weeks before. Parents often believed that the problem was me — not their child. They often said, "I pay your salary."

Parents would be furious when I didn't email back at 2 a.m. I would explain that the university policy prevented me from doing so, but the parents didn't care. They were footing the tuition bill, so they felt entitled to answers.


Parents should know that they need to be communicating with their child — not the professor. College isn't elementary school.

Your child shouldn't be attending a 4-year university if they don't want to

Parents were dead set on their children attending a four-year university, but I knew their students needed to be at community colleges or in some certification programs instead.

Students confessed to me, time and time again, how much pressure they felt from their parents to get four-year degrees. Some parents even threatened to cut off their children if they dropped out of school or took time off.

But it was clear to me that the students would've benefited from another education avenue.

Your child's mental health should always come first

A lot of my students struggled with mental-health issues, particularly anxiety and depression. But these students continued to push themselves to the brink of breakdowns — or even over the edge — because they wanted to please their demanding parents.


If someone's mental health isn't cared for, nothing else matters. Students needed permission from their parents to slow down — or even to take a break from school. Give them that permission.

Parental support shouldn't stop at age 18

Young adults who are 18 years old still need lots of support. The reasoning part of their brains isn't fully formed until they are 25.

I could tell that some parents dropped their kids off at the college doors and split. It seemed they felt there was some sort of magical switch flipped the day their child started college. I think that in healthy relationships, kids of any age never stop needing their parents.

You are your child's No. 1 teacher

The college experience is so much more than academics. The students are on their own for the first time, grappling with their mental and physical health. They are socializing with peers.

Parents should be asking themselves: How have you prepared your kid for all of this? How do you treat others, especially peers and those in positions of authority? How well can you problem-solve? Do you take care of your own physical, mental, and emotional health?


As your child's No. 1 teacher, what have you modeled for your child?

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