My ex and I have snuggle sleepovers. They aren't sexual, and they fulfill my need for touch.

My ex and I have snuggle sleepovers. They aren't sexual, and they fulfill my need for touch.
PhotoAlto/Frederic Cirou/Getty Images
  • My ex and I broke up over a year ago, but we still invite each other over for sleepovers.
  • They are platonic and not sexual, and they help us fulfill our need for touch.

It's 11 p.m., and my phone chirps. My ex is texting me.

"Tuesday?" the text reads. "You could stay over, and then we could have breakfast?"

My ex and I broke up over a year and a half ago, but these sorts of texts are not unusual. We're not inviting each other over so we can hook up, or for any sexual or romantic reason — we're planning platonic snuggle sleepovers.

I'd stopped having platonic sleepovers around my late teens or early 20s. I'd left those giggly nights with best friends behind — until I was in my early 40s and planning sleepovers with my ex.

Hungry for touch

While we were dating, my ex introduced me to the term skin hunger, also referred to as touch starvation. Skin hunger is that desperate feeling for human contact and touch.


Humans are wired for physical connection; new parents, for example, are advised to have a lot of skin-to-skin contact with their babies to help them regulate their temperature, among other things. As adults, we still benefit from touch — it can help us reduce stress, regulate our sleep, and boost our immune systems.

Though the term was new to me, I was very familiar with the experience of skin hunger. There have been many times in my life when I've gone to a massage appointment and almost cried, realizing how long it'd been since I experienced prolonged touch. Other times, when I'm missing friends, the desire for a hug from them has been almost painful.

When my ex and I broke up and I was living on my own again, I realized just how much I missed the everyday touch that came with being in a long-term live-in relationship. I became quite skin-hungry and realized that platonic intimacy was something I desperately needed.

Understanding our needs

Our society prioritizes romantic relationships and indoctrinates us, through fairy tales and rom-coms, that our romantic partner should be our everything, our other half. But this isn't a realistic expectation. One person cannot meet all our needs, nor do I believe it's fair to ask that of a person.

The older I've gotten, the more I've realized how important it is for us to know our own needs and desires and to work toward meeting them.


I know I am a person who needs a lot of touch and who finds great comfort in hugs or cuddles from someone I feel close and safe with. My ex is one of those people.

While my ex and I realized we were not compatible as romantic partners at this point in our lives, we also know there are many ways to connect beyond that intimacy. In addition to talking regularly and sharing our lives, getting pedicures every other month, and enjoying good meals together, we connect through platonic touch.

I know it may be atypical, but having snuggle sleepovers with my ex has been a wonderful, fulfilling, and satisfying way for me to get the basic human need for touch met. There's no pressure or expectation of anything else. I'm able to be held by someone I feel safe with, who cares about me, and who I care about. While this isn't something everybody understands, it works for us.

So when that text message comes in, I respond, "Yes please! I'll bring baked oatmeal," pack a bag with PJs, and excitedly look forward to a snuggle sleepover.
