The Unofficial Goldman Sachs Holiday Gift Guide For 2014


santa clause dolphins


Here's the only man's gift guide you'll need - where the practical meets the fantastical, the everyday meets the outlandish, with a token amount of benevolence.


It's not just a function of wallet size. Most men are happy to receive the things we feel guilty about buying or are too lazy to buy for ourselves… But of course, what we really want are the things we didn't even know we wanted.

Last year's list, which included a Tesla for the lake ($120,000), fossilized Triceratops skull ($200,000), backgammon set ($5,000), and the greatest Christmas movie of all time ($20), is worth revisiting; there's no expiration date on great ideas.

Here goes for 2014>

John LeFevre is the creator of the @GSElevator Twitter feed and the author of the soon-to-be-released Straight To Hell: True Tales of Deviance, Debauchery, and Billion-Dollar Deals.
