Alexi Nazem, the cofounder and CEO of Nomad Health, explores.
Nomad Health is a site that helps connect freelance clinicians to work in healthcare systems.
I play tennis every Saturday. It's great to get a little bit of exercise in.
During the winter months, I'm usually in the city, and I'm often meeting up with friends for brunch. You don't get a lot of time to socialize when you're working 60 to 80 hours a week.
I like to walk on weekends in the city — just explore a new neighborhood.
Ryan Williams, the cofounder and CEO of Cadre, gets spiritual.
Cadre is an online real-estate marketplace that connects approved sellers and high-net-worth people.
Sundays I'll often go to the church in the morning. Having that sense of community is really important. I grew up in a household where that was a priority.
It's something that's pretty meaningful to me, spirituality. It's nice to be able to disconnect from the professional side of things and put things into perspective.
Ben Anderson, the cofounder and CEO of Amino Apps, explores new cuisines.
Amino Apps uses apps to create communities around different topics.
Because I don't get a ton of time to spend with my wife during the week, I often spend time with her. One of the things we most love to do is eat. It's not uncommon for us to go to a restaurant during the weekend; we're both huge fans of sushi.
If it's nice weather, I'll often play basketball and get into a pickup game, sometimes with other startup people.
Sometimes I'll chat with our users. That's kind of a hobby of mine, to get to know them better and really understand who they are so I can build a better product for them.
Elliot Weissbluth, the founder and CEO of Hightower, stays active.
HighTower is a financial-services firm that works with high-net-worth people and institutional clients.
Early-morning workouts are a passion. I like to get up and sweat hard. It sets you up for a very productive day.
The weekends are about my own health and well-being, plus spending time with the kids and spending time with my wife. If it's summer, we're out doing things. If it's winter, it's ski season. We love to ski as a family.
I try to work only on a demand basis on the weekends. Unfortunately, given the job that I have, there are very frequent situations where there's an on-demand case. But I try to maintain a discipline where I work on an on-demand basis, not just work because it's a habit.
Nadia Boujarwah, the cofounder and CEO of Dia&Co, goes on strategy walks.
Dia&Co is a clothing subscription service for women who wear size 14 and up.
My cofounder, Lydia, and I, from the very beginnings of our business, went on what we called "strategy walks." It started when she was based in San Francisco and we'd go up into Marin County and go on these beautiful hikes and think about the business we wanted to build together. That's really survived the chaos of the last couple years.
Almost every weekend we go on a long walk, most often down the West Side highway, and spend a couple hours outside, thinking about bigger-picture questions. Some of the more creative thinking happens then.
Ilir Sela, the cofounder and CEO of Slice, talks pizza.
Slice is a mobile app that lets you order from local pizzerias.
On Saturdays I try to go to pizza restaurants and talk to owners. I have about 32 relatives who own pizzerias that are on Slice. Every single weekend, whenever I'm around, I'll try and visit their pizza restaurants.
I try to stay in touch with the challenges that they're facing and how Slice is solving their problems, but also learn what they don't like about Slice so that we can continue to improve.
I will also find some time to be a little more active, maybe by playing a pickup basketball game. It's that or catching up with family and friends.
Scott Britton, the cofounder of Troops, has a coffee meeting with himself.
Troops creates Slackbots for sales teams.
If I'm in the city, I like to wake up early, get coffee, and get a few work projects done that I find hard to do during the week. On a weekday, I don't have a dedicated block of two to three hours that isn't interrupted by meetings or customer calls. So on the weekends it's more high-level, strategy, project-type work.
After that, I might go to the gym and try to make the remainder of my weekend focused on seeing friends and family.