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I went 10 days without eating sugar and it was harder than giving up sex

I went 10 days without eating sugar and it was harder than giving up sex

melia fed up challenge sugar

Melia Robinson/Tech Insider

Anyone who's ever been single, broken-up, or in a long-distance relationship - as I managed to do for a year and half before moving west - understands the gut-wrenching craving for physical intimacy. The transition between regular sex and celibacy can be tough.

Let me tell you, giving up sugar for 10 days is harder.

I first heard of the Fed Up Challenge when my mom's best friend posted about it on Facebook. Her statuses bragged about how much energy she had after giving up foods containing sugar. She posted photos of her farmer's market bounty with the hashtag "tastetherainbow."

Extra energy? Repurposed Skittles slogans? Yes please.

A couple weeks later I embarked on the 10-Day Fed Up Challenge, a healthy living campaign helmed by Katie Couric, Laurie David, and Stephanie Soechtig, the trio behind the 2014 documentary "Fed Up."

Given that the average sugar intake in the US is 22 teaspoons per day, when the The World Health Organization recommends no more than six teaspoons - and given my proximity to the office candy jar - I knew this would be a doozy. I didn't know it'd be nearly impossible.


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