RANKED: The 17 countries that embrace the internet the most



Sergey Novikov/Shutterstock

Luxembourg came high on the Network Readiness Index.

The World Economic Forum has released its Networked Readiness Index (NRI), which examines "how economies use the opportunities offered by information and communications technologies for increased competitiveness and wellbeing."


In other words, how well nations all over the world implement and respond to modern information and communication technology to make their economies and societies better.

The NRI is an overall score of four subindexes:

  • Environment, which looks at a nation's political, regulatory landscapes as well as its innovation.
  • Readiness, which takes into account technological infrastructure, affordability, and worker skills.
  • Usage, which ranks how much technology is used by individuals, businesses and the government.
  • Impact, which estimates what impact information technology and comms have had on both an economic and social scale.

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