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6 ways to help improve your immune system and avoid getting sick during holiday travel

Kate Hull   

6 ways to help improve your immune system and avoid getting sick during holiday travel
  • The holiday season is also cold and flu season.
  • To help improve immunity, many people reach for supplements — but these aren't the best option.

The holiday season is upon us. But festive parties, family gatherings, and travel can all increase your risk of becoming one of the approximately five to 20 percent of Americans who get the flu.

In an effort to help improve the immune system and prevent illness, many folks reach for supplements like vitamin C, zinc, or echinacea. While some of these could slightly shorten the duration of a cold, there are better ways to prevent illness.

"It's much more important to wash your hands than take zinc lozenges, " Dr. Caroline Apovian. Director of the Nutrition and Weight Management Center at Boston Medical Center, previously told Insider.

Here are 6 ways you can actually help your immune system and prevent sickness this holiday season while traveling for the holidays.

Take vitamin D

While the evidence for most supplements and herbal remedies touted to prevent illness is mixed, one notable exception is moderate doses of vitamin D.

Taking a vitamin D supplement may help prevent respiratory tract infections according to some research. It might also reduce the severity of illness and ease recovery, especially in people who have a vitamin D deficiency.

While there are some foods that are high in vitamin D, sun exposure is the main source. But by Thanksgiving, increasingly long nights might make sunshine hard to find for people in some climates. So taking a vitamin D supplement may offset the lack of sunshine, and help keep you healthy.

Get enough sleep

Hitting that coveted 8 hours of sleep each night is one of the best things you can do to prevent illness.

Just one night of too little sleep can disrupt your immune system. Not getting enough sleep can also impact your risk of getting cancer, having a heart attack, or having a stroke.

Getting enough sleep during the holiday season amidst all the holiday cooking, entertaining, and shopping may feel like an impossible task — but prioritizing sleep will pay off and help keep you healthy.


Getting your blood pumping can also help reduce your risk of illness this holiday season.

A 2019 study found that moderate exercise reduces inflammation and helps your immune cells fight off infection.

Getting outside and throwing a football with your family, going for a bike ride, or even dancing to holiday music are all great ways to get some exercise and support your immune system.

Don't drink too much during the holidays

The holiday season is a popular time of year for indulgence — whether it's loading up on another helping of mashed potatoes, another slice of your grandmother's famous apple pie, or maybe a second (or third) festive cocktail.

While the occasional boozy beverage won't hinder your body's immune system, excess alcohol could increase your risk of getting sick. Plus, having a holiday hangover is no fun when you have to catch an early flight back home.

Wash your hands

Make sure to wash your hands while traveling, and after you get home.

Washing your hands for 20 seconds can dramatically reduce the amount of bacteria and viruses on your hands. That's about the same length of time as the "Happy Birthday" song, but if you get bored of singing Happy Birthday here are 11 other songs with 20-second choruses.


Stress can suppress your immune system, and make you more vulnerable to catching a winter cold or flu.

In fact, reducing stress is one of the top three things that Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, recommends to keep your immune system functioning properly.

Despite all the joy the holidays can bring, they can also be very stressful (hello, awkward family dinners).

Maybe try some meditation once you get home, or cuddle up next to a pet.

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