11 Guinness World Records that brought people together for bizarre and wonderful reasons


The world's largest pillow fight took place on July 21, 2015 in Minnesota, at a St. Paul Saints baseball game.

The world's largest pillow fight took place on July 21, 2015 in Minnesota, at a St. Paul Saints baseball game.

That broke the previous record, which was set by 4,200 participants at the University of California, Irvine the previous September.

Source: Guinness World Records


A group of 304 people dressed as Albert Einstein broke the record for the largest Einstein gathering in Berkeley, California on March 5, 2015.

A group of 304 people dressed as Albert Einstein broke the record for the largest Einstein gathering in Berkeley, California on March 5, 2015.

Source: Guinness World Records


Exactly 1,000 people broke the world record for most people getting a facial massage in Shandong, China on May 4, 2015.

Exactly 1,000 people broke the world record for most people getting a facial massage in Shandong, China on May 4, 2015.

Source: Guinness World Records

43,830 Indian participants formed the world's largest human national flag on December 7, 2014.

43,830 Indian participants formed the world's largest human national flag on December 7, 2014.

Source: Guinness World Records


On October 18, 2016, 908 Chinese brides in Jiangsu obliterated the previous record for largest gathering of brides, which was previously set at just 65.

On October 18, 2016, 908 Chinese brides in Jiangsu obliterated the previous record for largest gathering of brides, which was previously set at just 65.

Source: Guinness World Records

913 pregnant women took a prenatal yoga class in Hefei, China, on June 5, 2016. But that record was broken just a month later by 1,546 women in Rajkot, India on June 21.

913 pregnant women took a prenatal yoga class in Hefei, China, on June 5, 2016. But that record was broken just a month later by 1,546 women in Rajkot, India on June 21.

Source: Guinness World Records


214 participants set the record for most people inside a soap bubble in Prague on March 1, 2014.

214 participants set the record for most people inside a soap bubble in Prague on March 1, 2014.

Source: Guinness World Records

117 women set the world record for the largest sequential (hands linked) free-fall formation performed by women in October, 2014. They successfully formed a snowflake pattern in free-fall.

117 women set the world record for the largest sequential (hands linked) free-fall formation performed by women in October, 2014. They successfully formed a snowflake pattern in free-fall.

Source: Guinness World Records


300 participants from the Wat Lam Nao School in Bangkok, Thailand set the record for most people skipping the same rope on January 11, 2016.

300 participants from the Wat Lam Nao School in Bangkok, Thailand set the record for most people skipping the same rope on January 11, 2016.

Source: Guinness World Records

On January 19, 2016, 6,000 participants in Siba-Lom, Philippines set the record for the largest human image of an anchor, to honor the country's seafarers.

On January 19, 2016, 6,000 participants in Siba-Lom, Philippines set the record for the largest human image of an anchor, to honor the country's seafarers.

Source: Guinness World Records


439 participants in Stratford-Upon-Avon, England broke the record for largest gathering of people dressed as dogs on April 20, 2016. They gathered to raise funds for a school for service dogs called Guide Dogs For The Blind.

439 participants in Stratford-Upon-Avon, England broke the record for largest gathering of people dressed as dogs on April 20, 2016. They gathered to raise funds for a school for service dogs called Guide Dogs For The Blind.

Source: Guinness World Records