
We're looking for the most crazy-beautiful ad agency staff photos you've got

BBH New York Hadouken

BBH New York

This shot is from BBH New York, to get you thinking.

One of the great things about working for an ad agency is that it's highly likely your boss will require you to pose for a staff photo with a professional, high-end photographer, and produce something a little more creative than your standard headshot.

Back in 2013 we published a list of 24 of the most crazy-beautiful agency staff photos. And now we thought we'd see if there have been any brilliant additions in 2015.

Email your best/strangest staff photos to: loreilly@businessinsider.com

Large-format (greater than 990 pixels-wide) ".jpg" is our preferred format.

Please include photographer credits/links, and a brief note indicating that we have your permission to publish the shot, and maybe a short line or two of explanation if your photos are truly crazy.

We'll publish a selection of the best pics later this month.

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