Netflix India pays an ode to the army of crew that toils behind-the-scenes of its original content
Here is what goes behind-the-scenes of NetflixNetflix India
Netflix India’s latest campaign reminds its crew that ‘we are in this together, we will make it through.’

Netflix India pays an ode to the army of crew that toils behind-the-scenes of its original content

Netflix India’s latest campaign reminds its crew that ‘we are in this together, we will make it through.’
  • Netflix India celebrates the contribution of its heroes who work behind-the-scenes to bring stories to life.
  • Voiced by Anurag Kashyap and conceptualised by Netflix India’s in-house creative team, this 2-minute-video is a montage of unseen footage from various originals that it has released so far.
All of us have enjoyed binge-watching Netflix India’s original content. However, have you ever wondered how difficult it must have been to shoot that bear-like creature from Ghost Stories or to bring to life the dystopian world from Leila? Netflix India gives us a peek into behind-the-scenes footage of some of its most-loved content and shares how its army toils to build strong characters like Ganesh Gaitonde, Ghoul and Veere Singh on-screen.

Its latest campaign pays an ode to those men and women who bring their stories to life. From writing a dialogue to making it rain in summer to withstanding the mental, emotional and physical load of getting every minute detail right in their production, this film gives you a reality check that the stardom comes with its own struggles. And without the contributions of the crew on film and show sets, Netflix wouldn’t be a reality.

Voiced by Anurag Kashyap in a very relaxing tone, it tells you that ‘we are in this together and we will make it work. Netflix won’t stop making stories as long as it is around.’

Earlier last month on April 3, Netflix had announced that it will contribute $1 mn (approximately Rs 7.5 crore) to the Producers Guild of India (PGI) Relief Fund. This fund, set up by PGI, will provide emergency short term relief to thousands of daily wage earners in the Indian creative community, who have been directly impacted by the closure of productions in the country due to the pandemic. This will include those who help with lighting, setting, and electricians, carpenters and spot boys - many of whom are paid hourly wages and work on a project-to-project basis. In India, Netflix has also committed up to four weeks of pay for all core below-the-line crew who were scheduled to work on Netflix’s productions in India.