Just Plain Wrong

Amazon Took Down 'Ex-Girlfriend' Shooting Targets That Spurt Blood When Hit

the ex shooting target zombie

Zombie Industries Screengrab

Although target vendor Zombie Industries couldn't see anything wrong with its life-sized, big-breasted, dead-eyed shooting target called "The Ex" — who even "bleeds" in seductive splatters around her ripped tank top and lacy bra when shot — Amazon was quick to pull the item from its virtual shelves.

“We are thrilled to see Amazon’s fast response in removing the bleeding ex-girlfriend shooting target from their website," Nita Chaudhary, co-founder of women's group UltraViolet, said in a press release. "The fact that it exists is yet another reminder of what is at stake for women with gun safety legislation. The very presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the chance that the woman will be murdered by 500%. We are fed up, and we demand better."

In less than 24 hours, 63,000 people signed a petition to pull "The Ex."

Zombie Industries, however, saw the ex-girlfriend target as a sign of equality rather than objectification. Its website reads:

Zombie Industries realizes that the Zombie virus can affect any living creature regardless of race, gender, religion, ethnic background, or species. The Zombie virus does not discriminate and neither does Zombie Industries. We take preparation for the Zombie Apocalypse seriously, which is why we strive to have all groups of undead monsters represented in our product selection. In addition to the Ex Girlfriend Zombie, we currently sell 15 male zombies, 5 animal zombies & 2 aliens… to discriminate against Women by not having them represented in our product selection would be just plain sexist. All Zombie Industries’ products are fictitious characters... Zombie Industries is sorry if anyone takes offense to any of our products. But we also have a responsibility to our customers to provide the best possible products to help them prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse.

Positive user reviews include: "This Zombie Bitch is awesome, reminds me of a girl I knew in High School, My LMT LM308MWS should put a stop to the undead bring them on !!! Later Party till you drop Corvette forever !!!!!"

Zombie Industries also got in trouble with the NRA this week for displaying a zombie shooting target that strikingly resembled President Obama at its convention.

This is what "The Ex" looks like after it has been shot. The image is actually saved as "girl-fucked.jpg."

She gets the same fate as Nazis ...

zombie nazi shooting target

Zombie Industries

And targets depicting Taliban operatives.

zombie terrorist shooting target

Zombie Industries

This is the Obama target, called "Rocky," that Zombie Industries got in trouble for.

zombie obama rocky shooting target

Zombie Industries