Here Are The Release Dates For All The Superhero Movies Coming Out Between Now And 2020


captain america vs batman

Disney/Marvel, Rocksteady / Kirsten Acuna/Business Insider

Movie studios' various superhero movies will be going head-to-head over the next few years.

Saying there are a lot of comic book movies coming out in the next few years is a massive understatement.


More than 30 superhero movies are expected to released by Disney, Warner Bros., Fox, and Sony Pictures as nearly every big studio attempts to build its own cinematic universe.

Will they all be successful? Probably not. Will we be in superhero fatigue? Maybe.

If you can't keep all of the release dates straight in your head, Comics Alliance has put together an immensely thorough infographic breaking down all of the future dates. And yes, they've updated it to include the new movies just announced at Marvel's press event Tuesday.

Bookmark this. It's sure to come in handy.


Here's a larger version of the map.