How to cancel subscriptions on your iPad in a few quick steps

How to cancel subscriptions on your iPad in a few quick steps

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It's easy to cancel subscriptions for any service on your iPad.

  • You can cancel subscriptions on your iPad in just a few steps through the device's Settings app.
  • If you've signed up for free-trial subscriptions to streaming services or apps on your iPad, you might want to cancel them before you get charged.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

It's easy to sign up for subscription services on your iPad, especially if you have an Apple TV and an iPad on the same account - both of which are fantastic for streaming video.

Streaming services like Hulu, HBO Now, Apple Music, and Pandora Premium are all subscription-based, and these subscriptions can be activated with just a few steps, regardless of which device you're using.

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It's possible that you might even have subscriptions you're unaware of, either because somebody in your house might have inadvertently signed up for it or you might have forgotten that you subscribed.

When you check your subscriptions on your iPad, you can cancel the ones you aren't using. This can be especially useful if you sign up for a trial subscription but want to cancel it before the service begins charging your card.


Check out the products mentioned in this article:

iPad (From $329 at Apple)

How to cancel subscriptions on your iPad

1. Open Settings.

2. Scroll down the list on the left to tap on "iTunes & App Store."

3. Tap on your Apple ID on the right list.

4. This will bring up a list of options. Tap on "View Apple ID."

5. It will require authentication to access it. Type in your password.


6. Scroll down to and tap on "Subscriptions" near the bottom of your screen. This will show everything you've subscribed to across all devices.

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Ryan Ariano/Business Insider

View your subscriptions on your iPad.

7. Scroll through the list and tap on any subscription you wish to cancel.

8. Tap "Cancel Subscription" near the bottom.

Cancel Subscriptions2.PNG

Ryan Ariano/Business Insider

Cancel your subscriptions on your iPad.


9. It will ask you to Confirm Cancellation. When you tap "Confirm" your subscription will be officially canceled.

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