11 brilliant quotes from Evan Spiegel, the controversial 25-year-old Snapchat founder


On not selling to Facebook: "There are very few people in the world who get to build a business like this. I think trading that for some short-term gain isn’t very interesting.”

On not selling to Facebook: "There are very few people in the world who get to build a business like this. I think trading that for some short-term gain isn’t very interesting.”

Source: Forbes.


On social media being truly social: "Somewhere along the way, when we were building social media products, we forgot the reason we like to communicate with our friends is because it's fun."

On social media being truly social: "Somewhere along the way, when we were building social media products, we forgot the reason we like to communicate with our friends is because it's fun."

Source: CBS.


On not giving up before Snapchat: "We would experiment and fail. We must have attempted nearly 34 projects."

On not giving up before Snapchat: "We would experiment and fail. We must have attempted nearly 34 projects."

Source: The Guardian.

On the importance of ephemerality: "The intent to preserve and capture something is very different from the urge to share, but they had become intertwined. Creating a representation of yourself for the Internet stopped making sense when we were all on phones and connected everywhere."

On the importance of ephemerality: "The intent to preserve and capture something is very different from the urge to share, but they had become intertwined. Creating a representation of yourself for the Internet stopped making sense when we were all on phones and connected everywhere."

Source: All Things D


On future technologies (and how we'll talk about them): "The biggest constraint of the next 100 years of computing is the idea of metaphors."

On future technologies (and how we'll talk about them): "The biggest constraint of the next 100 years of computing is the idea of metaphors."

Source: The Verge

On perseverance: "In times of despair, you may believe the cynic who tells you that one person cannot make difference – and there are times it may be hard to see your own impact. I beg you to remember that it is not possible at this time or any time to know the end results of our efforts."

On perseverance: "In times of despair, you may believe the cynic who tells you that one person cannot make difference – and there are times it may be hard to see your own impact. I beg you to remember that it is not possible at this time or any time to know the end results of our efforts."

Source: USC convocation speech


On conversation in the age of short attention spans and distractions: "If we can always try and emphasize how important it is for both people to be [in a conversation] at the same time, that would be a win for us — that would be the holy grail. This captures the best parts of a conversation, that you and I are here, we’re both paying attention to each other, and that feels good."

On conversation in the age of short attention spans and distractions: "If we can always try and emphasize how important it is for both people to be [in a conversation] at the same time, that would be a win for us — that would be the holy grail. This captures the best parts of a conversation, that you and I are here, we’re both paying attention to each other, and that feels good."

Source: The Verge

On conformity: "One of the saddest things that happens with creativity ... I think sometimes it isn't expressed because of fear. Everyone is born very, very, very creative, but at some point it can be scary to try to do something new, that feels different."

On conformity: "One of the saddest things that happens with creativity ... I think sometimes it isn't expressed because of fear. Everyone is born very, very, very creative, but at some point it can be scary to try to do something new, that feels different."

Source: Business Insider


On creepy advertising: "We think it's weird when brands try to act like your pal. I think there's some nuance — I think it's very important to be friendly, but not a buddy."

On creepy advertising: "We think it's weird when brands try to act like your pal. I think there's some nuance — I think it's very important to be friendly, but not a buddy."

Source: Business Insider

On the downside of a lot of social media: “I think it feels crumby to have to market yourself all day long; the whole notion of a personal brand got very, very popular and still persists today, as people manage all their profiles."

On the downside of a lot of social media: “I think it feels crumby to have to market yourself all day long; the whole notion of a personal brand got very, very popular and still persists today, as people manage all their profiles."

Source: The Telegraph


On success: ""Don't feel bad if you sell out. Just don't stop there. Find something you aren't willing to sell."

On success: ""Don't feel bad if you sell out. Just don't stop there. Find something you aren't willing to sell."

Source: Business Insider

BONUS: Spiegel on his privilege: "I am a young, white, educated male. I got really, really lucky. And life isn't fair."

BONUS: Spiegel on his privilege: "I am a young, white, educated male. I got really, really lucky. And life isn't fair."

Source: LA Weekly
